The new Phasmophobia Christmas Update brings many new features to the game. In this video we are going to have a look at the patch notes from a long time player’s perspective.
To the patchnotes:
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What are you most hyped about in this update?
no subtitles 🙁
I can't wait!
I want tarot cards in a Christmas present box for this time of the year 🙁
I'm super hyped! And scared. No camping at doors for asking the oujia-board anymore! Dx Can't wait to see you testing aaaall the new things and ghost behaviors 😀
Your hair looks fabulous today btw 😀
I feel like the ouija board may start a hunt if you don't say goodbye.
Common folklore says you have to say goodbye to demons and ghosts on it until it responds with goodbye as well, or you risk getting possessed/attacked
AAAAAAAAAAAAA- please for the love of bingus, let‘s pray I can actually play the campsite now :‘D
I’m so glad they made it so we can’t camp at the exterior doors anymore. I never liked that it was an option but my scared ass still used it.
i cant wait
ghost finna be chasing you with the sandals 👡
Hey, Psycho. Can you do a video explaining the mechanics by which a ghost changes its room? It seems completely random to me and kind of ruins the game from my view. I want to know if there's any sort of logic to it, or if it indeed is completely random so as to pull the rug out from under the player during an investigation.
Soooooo, does this means that you will stream everyday day in the name of science ? 😀 <3
I hope there will be a update for immersion. Like side objectives or a 2nd main objective having to do with ghost lorer. Like figuring out how the ghost died. Why it's still there, I would love to see it.
Jay time to play!
thanks for the info my friend
Even though there's a lot of new stuff, I still think that identifying the ghost is a shallow main objective for the direction the game's going. It really feels like it goes against what the game is trying to do. So many things need to be either held back or readjusted entirely because of it.
The ghost's identity needs to be a component of another goal. At this point, the ghost identity as a primary objective really feels like it's one of the biggest things holding the game back.
Great thumbnail. It represents how phasmo community rely on potato hugs. Wait what
they like to keep changing things to make the game harder which make it to hard for casual players to enjoy it I havent touched it in 2 months because its just not fun anymore
That thumbnail ❤️
@Psycho next time you play Tanglewood check the kitchen cabinets! It's amazing!! 😆🥔
Can’t wait to see how the cursed items and new behaviors will play out. Demons will be scarier.
Me and my friends found Your Potato Face Easter Egg on my LiveStream LOL !!! ("Oohh" sound Included) xD
Will you upload more of your twitch stuff to this channel?
That thumbnail was so awesome and sweet 😀 I would love that as an easter egg in Phasmo for christmas. If you turn on 4 candles in close proximity at a certain location during snowfall you would see hugging ghosts 😀
there's a potato in the drawer!
I just fought a Hantu and it has freezing breath like the player would in freezing weather, I think thats what it meant when it said that it will show
What a beautiful thumbnail! These always give me life whenever I see Psycho make them!
The cold has empowered these ghosts so much, it's starting to show.
It means the speed it gains from cold temps is now higher, cause everyone was complaining that the Hantu speed increase was hardly noticable.
Masters of insanity, making anyone go crazy who comes into contact with them.
well we know that ghosts are like us walking around the map, they are just invis and have no collision with the players. this is probably draining sanity now, when they walk through a player. would need to test that if you got a yurei, take pills till you are at 100% then place motion sensors to your sides and when the yurei is walking through you, you will notice when it activates both motion sensors in sucession. someone can be in the truck checking your sanity.
or the yurei just has a 100% chance or so to trigger his ability when walking through a player, but can still use it rarely on range.
thats at least what i think about them.
We had a ghost charging right towards us, light on and all after using the music box.. it was freaky.
Tried this update with friends after long break from the game and find the game overall not that enjoyable as before. We tried it at easiest difficulty just to remember things and checkout updates and… game feels boring imo. We spent way more time getting evidences with ghosts either hunting non stop or doing close to nothing. It looks like balance shifted even more to the "watch it hunt and identify" playstyle. Out of the hunt there is still very little identity for ghosts – you can have a shade which throws items like a poltergeist etc. We usually try to avoid the hunt and gaher evidences and with this trend it's hard to enjoy the game even at the smallest maps, hot even speaking about bigger ones. Hope devs will be able to divide playstyles for hardcore fans who want to push their limits and casual easily scared players. Mimic maybe solves some problems for nightmare players, but brings even more chaos for the casuals. Maybe they could make it that in casual mode ghost would behave closer to their descriptions (since this thing still very confusing and misleading for the people who didn't read the wiki, imo game would benefit more from clear descriptions of items and such) and make that at nightmare you can't tell which ghost it is by its behavior outside of hunts. Right now it shifts more and more into hardcore fans area, which is fine for persistent playerbase, but not that healthy for new and returning players.
2:24 did your swiss side come out? 😂 "what ist das?" Hahaha ich liebe dine schwiizer Akzent wenn du englisch redisch!