At least my click bait title had a good pun.

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28 thoughts on “PHASMOPHOBIA – Crucifixes OP”

  1. Just gonna say from personal experience, was in a small bathroom on asylum, had two crosses down, and the fucker within 3 seconds deleted both of them without attacking, while we were playing with a Ouija board, and I swear I ran so quick.
    Also Banshees are the biggest bitches when it comes to crosses, it feels like if you ever bring a cross into their room they'll never ever hunt no matter what you do.

  2. Another common place is the area just outside and around the ghost room. It is less likely to stop a hunt, but the last thing you want is to be in the ghost room during a hunt and you run out of the room to find the ghost spawning in the hallway where you were hoping to flee.

  3. "the only one that could go through them quickly is a demon"
    was playing a round a couple nights ago with a friend
    we discover its a demon
    i want extra money so i start making it made to take a pic
    go in after popping some pills in the truck
    notice the crucifix is no longer there
    realize why
    gotta say that moment was both hilarious and "oh shit" at the same time.

  4. Although I will drop a crucifix down in an area I suspect a ghost of staying around, it is easier to pin point where to drop them by deploying motion sensors to get a more exact position of the ghost's most frequent location(s).

  5. seriously, i had the crucifix on the floor in the hallway. few minutes later hunt starts, and he just runs over it. like dead ass runs over the crusifix and killed me… what did i do wrong. it was the small house. and i had the objective. and it wasn't a demon


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