I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!
My boyfriend talked me into playing something scary for Halloween this year and Phasmophobia Date Night was the result. It turned out to not be as scary as I was expecting, but that didn’t stop him from pushing my buttons. All in all, we had a good time getting a little frightened on Date Night.
Music List:
Luigi’s Mansion Theme (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
Title Theme (Don’t Starve Together)
Lord Laharl’s…Hymn? (Disgaea: Hour of Darkness)
Dung Defender (Hollow Knight)
Crazy Science Owls (A Hat In Time)
Summer Time and the Fighting is Easy (Don’t Starve Together)
Accordion Brumm (Hollow Knight)
Troupe Leader Grimm (Hollow Knight)
You Go Girl (Disgaea: Hour of Darkness)
Fuka’s Theme (Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten)
Find them here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsgZdeMpGVf6m2ZaJGBizEpcCzM5yjuML
Please make her play the last of us!!
In today's episode of Date Night: The boyfriend that cried ghost
Such a good video
Man this channel is good
How long do the animal crossing bits take you? they definitely accentuate the video perfectly! The transition at 0:19 was so cute!
This channel is like a warm fireplace in the evening and I love it
4:23 how can he be so cruel with her XD
There's a key by the front door that you can turn the car alarm off with
You know what you need to do next time brother?
Casually place your hand on her shoulder next time shes playing this game for hilarious (and probably painful) results.
Tips for future Phasmophobia plays:
– Sanity drops more faster in dark. With lights on or holding a candle prevents sanity loss. You can also get sanity back from sanity pills.
– Some ghosts responds only to alone people, some responds to groups
– When hiding from a ghost, you should put your electrical devices off as the ghost can sense you if you keep them on.
– If the ghost makes that car alarm on, you can turn it off if you pick up the car key (usually near when coming from the main door)
Good game for a Halloween date night
Oh, those are some devious plays by the boyfriend! Never have played phasmophobia, not sure that I would enjoy playing it, but it is fun to watch.
0:00 me for no reason
Fun fact: the ghost can detect electronical signals so hiding in a corner and whispering with a turned on camera is NOT a good idea
great video! if you're ever planning on playing more often, i'd recommend checking out Psycho his videos! (he's also the potato you found). he makes great videos, including tips and explanations about different game mechanics and ghosts! keep in mind older videos MIGHT be outdated on info though!
The ghost has a time limit before it can start to hunt. If the boyfriend went in first he was taking the safe time, that is likely why the girlfriend kept finding the ghost.
It may sound strange, but at least for me, Phasmophobia is less scary in VR.
I love the BF avatar preening
It pleaseth me
Play secret of mana together!
Also play Luigi's Mansion 3!
Hello, the Boy Meets Girl team is very cute, I love the channel and you are also very cute. What are your names? Because I know Boy's name, i.e. Nick, but what is his girlfriend's name ? I laughed so much at the part about the lightning, good god . Anyway, I'm Viktor and I'm following you from Hungary in Europe. It's a pity that you lived so far away, because I would have liked to draw a portrait of you together.
It's always fun to troll noobies with the TV remote
That captain obvious comment and the avatar clip got me! lololo
Thank you for making me laugh. I could never play that game, I don't like jump scares at all, but it's fun to watch other people play it for some reason!
Is there anywhere you guys stream? Or upload the actual game plays?
The confusion I have when the bgm is Don't Starve Together's title screen music but the game is phasmo xD
you guys channel is sooooo underrated. hope y'all get more exposure
Now I want a GTFO date night! 😀
"I'd kick him out of the house for the night but then I'd be all alone…." ngl she played herself there
That was the perfect combination of spooky and wholesome. Happy halloween guys
Normally, I cannot handle scary games, but I LOOOVE Phasmophobia! It's so good and so fun with friends
Now play it in VR 😀
Me first discovering this channel: "Wow, these videos are super well made. They must've been around for…what, a few years? Must have an audience of a few hundred k by now, right?"
checks channel info
Also me: "Wait, wtf??"
To turn off the car alarm, you need the car key which can usually be found in a bowl right by the front door on maps with cars.
Great video as always! Love the musical pieces from games you have played before 🙂
Are y'all disgaea fans?
I recently found this channel through the MGR video, and I gotta say, you two are the cutest! I’ve been binging your channel like crazy and I really love your dynamic! I wish the best for your future and can’t wait for more videos! Also, I’d love to see her play Undertale, a very fun and charming game, and I think it’d work well for this channel.
The “responds to people who are alone” only means only one person can be in the room when using spirit box. Also the reason why the ghost probably did nothing to nick when he went in, but then attacked you, is because the ghost gets more aggressive the less average sanity the team has. When he goes in, your sanity is really high, but his sanity tanks which tanks your average sanity so when you go in and lose just a bit of sanity the ghost gets aggressive real fast. Kinda set yourself up there 😂
The ghosts can sense active electronics so when you are hiding you need to turn them off, unequip them or drop them.