Phasmophobia – Does the Parabolic Microphone REALLY work?

I’ve tested the parabolic microphone a lot recently, and I’ve had a lot of success with it.
In this guide I’ll be showing you how to use the parabolic microphone, and everything else you need to know about it!

I stream on Twitch!


49 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – Does the Parabolic Microphone REALLY work?”

  1. How are you so calm everytime you play solo? Is it because you make jokes about the ghosts doing interactions? And also you stay so calm during hunts and i freak out and accidently run into the ghost.

  2. This is fun to use with a team when you want to find out if the ghost is beating the crap out of your fellow hunters, or if they are smart enough to find a hiding room.
    I call it my Darwin Award Sensor.
    Anything over a consistent 15 during a hunt and somebody is probably mashing their sprint key in fear.

  3. With the spot in Bleasdale you can get an Interaction Photo for free by just taking a photo of the room. Don't know it this is also the case for the other spots but I'd relate these two occasions to each other then.

  4. I really want to love this item but it is very inconsistent. For example when i play Highschool it detects sound, even if the ghost is on the other side of the school. So i am wandering around searching for the room on the one side and 20 mins later i find the room on the complete other side. I know the ghost interacted with an door or an lightswitch, but WHERE? THAT is the big question.

  5. Thank you so much for the guide! I didn’t know there were as many glitched areas as there were. I think I may have found a possible glitched area for it as well—I sometimes get insanely high numbers when in the prison cafeteria, even though the ghost isn’t there. Have you had this happen before?

  6. If you got a larger team and not enough thermometers, this might be a nice backup. It seems like it still might be easier to find the ghost room with this than the EMF reader, especially on large maps. As a bonus, you don't have to open doors with this one, which is obviously going to help with maps like the school and asylum.

  7. I use the parabolic frequently as well and I think there is one more "glitch spot" in prison right outside the door for the block-A staircase landing on the first floor. I get a consistent reading of 4.5 there and it's right in between the cell doors and the stair landing door. I really appreciate the information on the limited range, since I had an incling of it after using it. If you have a shade ghost I noticed basically no reading until after a couple hunts. If you use the parabolic after instigating the ghost (whether through voice box or something else), then you can confirm suspected ghost room.

    Another iffy spot with the parabolic is the high school – since it looks like if you point it from ANY area toward the rear-middle section of the school, it'll give you readings that lead you towards the upstairs-rear-middle closet rooms. I've had it lead me totally away from the ghost room in highschool multiple times. I think this has to do with the amount of light switches in the high school and when you have a ghost that screws with the power, you're basically helpless with the parabolic

    If anyone else can confirm this, that would be cool 🙂

  8. I feel like I get luck with it most on prison :D. It was a little confusing earlier on a high school map, I was getting 1.5 on one side of the map but the ghost was on the other side. I was upstairs left said and had a team mate on right side. Additionally, I had a sound sensor downstairs left and in lobby and those were constantly going off.. but the sound sensors on right side weren't, but the ghost WAS on right side upstairs. Might have been super roamer Im thinking lol

  9. Good video but this still doesn’t makes me want to use it after hearing the list of crap it picks up and register that doesn’t help you find the ghost. Haha. Maybe if I am doing a challenge but they are garbage. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  10. Parabolic mics are going to be more important as of Patch 0.25, where the temperature variance in thermometer readings, professional difficulties starts with the breaker *off*, & all rooms will be in 5°C at least when the breakers are off, means it's going to be a lot faster to use this.

  11. I was playing with a friend in prison map and it was hard finding the room, luckily i was with the parabolic and got the reading in a room that we have been before but could not get below 10°
    Now i always use the parabolic 🙂


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