Welcome to back to Phasmophobia! In this video I explain you all the things I’ve learned about the DOTS projector! There are quite a few useful tricks you can use to make your life much easier. I absolutely love DOTS so much, they are very spooky and cool. What do you think? Hope this was helpful! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.0.1
What do you think about the DOTS projector? I absolutely love it! 😀
Yep, DOTS is pretty awesome. You get now why it was so annoyingly loud when the update dropped? We were supposed to hear it if we didn't see it lol. It was very spooky when it happened before, cause it was so rare and happened so fast, but I see why they changed it, it was definitely frustrating to try to get that evidence. But I still think it happens way too often now. Also when you place two DOTS and get them at the same time? Kinda weird, makes it seem like there's 2 ghosts in the room.
Also, the cool thing with DOTS and EMF is that you can identify a Goryo straight away, if the room is large enough so the EMF will only pick up the DOTS, then you'll know for sure you're dealing with a Goryo when it happens even without a cam. Also DOTS can trigger EMF 5 with EMF ghosts which gives another piece of evidence for the Goryo very easily.
And yes, the DOTS silhouette is the model of the ghost, the crawling child ghost looks specially creepy in the DOTS.
Overall, I love this new evidence type. They just need to finetune it.
It's been the opposite for me. It's only the D.O.T.S ghosts that have been throwing the D.O.T.S projector.
Goryo would be sick as a group and your all inside when it hunts. Everyone is holding a cam to see
A good way to make it creepier will be to have different iterations like maybe you can have one where the ghost just stands in the DOTS or another where they sit, imagine if you’re walking into the room and you see a crying ghost in your DOTS
0:47 "you could see it if you saw it" insym
My banshee threw the dots off the wall so I thought it was a Hantu
Maybe need take picture on projector to take 3 stars…
i only knew what dots were because of buzzfeed unsolved lmfao
I think it's HILARIOUS to just randomly see the ghost run through the DOTS projector like a madman cartoon character in fast-motion.
I'd watch it with the Benny Hill theme.
I saw a dots ghost throw a dots projector off the wall
We had a DOTS ghost, break the projector. It threw it off the wall and was in pieces. I took a photo and got a 3 star interaction one.
I was watching cams in the ghost room during a hunt, and it looked like it showed the dots ghost in place of the ghost model while it was "invisible" and within range of the dots projector. Really awesome stuff
We had a Goryo today that indeed threw our D.O.T.S projector a few times while we watched it on camera
insym: explainging the projector
oni: 🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️💨
TL;DR i am torn on DOTS. I love how unique it is, but I don't like what it meant for the rest of the evidence.
While I appreciate the idea of creating new evidence items, its implementation feels really odd to me. As someone that knew the original 12 ghosts like the back of my hand — to totally shuffle the deck and give everyone new evidence is a strange decision.
For the most part, all the evidence that each ghost made sense to me — The most powerful entities had EMF 5, to reflect their overwhelming presence. Revs, Onis, Jinns. The most evil entities like Demon/Mare/Banshee chilled the room to freezing point. Orbs were found with ghosts of a shadowy or reclusive nature like Phantom, Shade, Mare & Jinn. Now it just feels like they gave everyone something arbitrarily just to make sure no evidence was used more than another. Or like they had an AI randomly assign everyone evidence.
DOTS Projector is a really cool evidence type. I just think it needed to be integrated more gradually. Instead of scrambling the entire roster of Ghost types, sprinkle it here and there where it makes sense. I'd have made DOTS the rarest evidence type to start out with (maybe 3 or 4 ghosts that have it). Maybe instead of having freezing, Yurei has DOTS (because he's a roamer). Give it to Wraith instead of Spirit Box (because he supposed to fly, like in the DOTS animation). Perhaps even give some ghost types DOTS as a *fourth evidence piece (that'd be an interesting dynamic to add). It feels like too much of a departure from old Phasmophobia to leave no ghost untouched.
My point is that evidence types do not need to be equal to one another in terms of value/rarity. Imagine DOTS was only on 3 of the sixteen ghosts — how stunning it would be when you found a ghost that DID have DOTS. Imagine the hype! And it could have been done without bastardizing everyone's evidence. Not even Revidence is recognizable. ORBS for my boy? Freezing? Phasmo really is a horror game now.
Interesting, it still took 15-20 minutes for us to eventually get a Wraith on Highschool earlier today to show up on DOTs for us. Maybe we just were unlucky? Or it was buggy. It's been an adventure for us recently but I love playing through and experimenting ^^ This patch breathed SO MUCH life back into this game!
Glad he found out about the EMF with the D.O.T.S. In my opinion it makes it even easier to figure out if it is D.O.T.S.
I LOVE the D.O.T.S. I've enjoyed Phasmo so much more than before the update.
No twitch:(
I have seen a dots ghost make the projector fall of the wall if that helps
1:07 and that ghost walking by 😀