Phasmophobia – Every Spirit Box question you can ask

In this video I’ve tested over 50 spirit box questions that have been datamined to see if they all work. The questions can be split into four types: difficulty, location, age and gender/miscellaneous.
The vast majority of the questions do work, except for the last group which currently don’t appear to have responses implemented.

I stream on twitch!


50 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – Every Spirit Box question you can ask”

  1. tbh there should be a little more to the spirit box you should be able to ask. even gender wise. or what room or at least upstairs or downstairs. or even angry say "yes" or "no" sure it doesn't all have to be complicated, but then again one person made this game as a passion project.

  2. Based on the datamined Gendered and Identity questions, I wonder if there will be maps or modes where you don't know the name or gender of the ghost, and it's crucial you find out to progress in the mission, for extra points, or to get any reactions at all.

  3. I think they wanted to added the gender questions but since you know the name of the ghost at the start, seems a little silly to add gender questions. Maybe in a future update we won't know the name of the ghost.

  4. It was saying “bich I’m behind you and right next to you and you don’t even care like dude imma snap ur neck why do you not care that I’m right next to you!!? You know what I’m gonna throw some paint cans, HOW DO YOU STILL NOT CARE!!!!”

  5. Man this ghost must think you're the most illiterate person in the world like "Are you close to us" "I'm behind u" "Can you show yourself" "I'm literally behind you" "Give us a sign" "BITCH TURN AROUND"

    and later:
    "how old are you" "old." "are you a child" "take a fucking guess"


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