#phasmophobiaguide #phasmophobiatips
I get a lot of questions from new Phasmophobia players so I decided to make the ultimate guide for new players! I hope you find this helpful!
This is how you fix the problem of your mic not working with spirit box and Ouija board in Phasmophobia and a general guide on how to set your mic up!
You may know me from tiktok as the Ouija board guy who screams a lot! I’m a “pro level” 4500+ Phasmophobia player (1000+ hours) that does challenges regularly. I also play primarily on nightmare mode! If you are a Phasmophobia beginner and need some helpful tips and guides or you want to watch some funny moments unfold then be sure to follow me on twitch!
Join me live on twitch every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday!
Nice thanks.
Thanks, the oujia board hasn’t been working recently for me and I was also having problems with the spirit box, too.
I’ve been having issues with spirit box not working this helped a lot!
Hope this works I will let you all know
Edit:I fixed it the problem was that I was not holding local push to talk
Gonna try this out next time! The spirit box usually takes a couple tries, but eventually always gives either a response or an X, but the Oujia board has never worked for me. Hoping this will help, thanks!
This still does not work for me but the sport box does work i get the x bus the qouja board not and testing als dont work
i have watched all your videos now you doing a great job , thank you . we have been playing with my friends a lot now , and there are a few things we still dont understand , how does the parabolic mic actualy work what is there to actualy know about it , also how does the ouja board work, or supposed to be used ? thanks in advance <3
Didn't work for me, my mic works everywhere else but not in phasmo..
Thanks a lot
I tried everything and still doesnt work :/
My problem is that mic on spirit box always showing black while im not holding push to talk and when i try to say something X doesnt show black. Its really annoying and i cant find a fix. This only happens to me on singleplayer tho, in multiplayer works fine so its not a mic issue.
dude thank you so much had this exact thing come up tonight and it was definitely because I had alt-tabbed, i couldn't get the ouija board to respond at all not even to goodbye so I just thought that it never turned on and sure enough got killed when i walked away, then in the next hunt could not for the life of me get the spirit box to respond and had to get someone else to do it, thought I was going crazy!
Hey so I found the problem. My microphone only gets used (which gets indicated in microphone privacy settings) when in the multi/singleplayer lobby. When accessing phasmophobia settings to set voice recognition up my mic doesn't get used (it says last accessed {Date}). I need phasmophobia to use my microphone to get used every time I open phasmophobia.
Does it work on windows 11 , cuz i tried so many videos but it still doesnt work!
Great video man, sadly didnt fix my issues, i used to play this game a lot, now i went to try it again and my mic just doesnt work, works with everything else, discord etc all other games just not phas 🙁
I am getting the X on the spirit box, but on the mic test ingame im never getting the "we heard you" confirmation…
ty you so much for this video my sb and ob haven't worked in so long youre awesome!!!!!!!!
Guess the game does not like me. Ive tried all of this and everything in my power. Even two different mics. Still not working. Well my friends can hear me talk in game. But when i try to test my voice by saying ''Give us a sign'' It never hears me on the test. But my friends hear me fine in game…. I am so confused
I dont have that option in Audio Option in the Game. WTF?!?
I don’t see the “Test” option in the settings… have I missed something?
So does phasmophobia use a language pack on windows? Like the detection and all that stuff.
Been looking everywhere, what if my audio options in game dont have "test" option at all?
This was driving me insane, thank you.
Quick question,can i talk in phasmophobia with normal earbuds
My cousins pc is picking up his mic, it’s the default and everything, he’s in my discord call, and I’m phasmophobia it literally just says “no microphone detected”
Question, will my turtle beach headphones mic work for this game? Because recently it hasn't worked for anything really. Not just Phasmophobia.
i cant find voice reconigiton
Oh my god thank you man, I’ve been trying to trouble shoot this for so long and you finally got me to get it to work. It’s so hard trying to play the game solo when you can get a vital piece of evidence
Thx i have tried to find a video that told how to fix the problem for 8 months now. And thx to you its fixed😄
Yeeeees!!! I've tried a lot of things. I thought it was my voice recognition not being properly setup, but my problem was alt tabbing out. You're awesome dude! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!
im having issues with the Ouija Board only
thanks,this actually helped,btw i have a questions,for the spirit box and ouija board do you have to use the local ol global chat?
thx for vid
Man I never got a spirit box response like i get the X but i never get a response
Such a big help thank you SO MUCH!! I tried using the board and couldn’t get it to work and I was forced to activate a cursed hunt😭😭