Hey guys Cloud has been meaning to play Phasmophobia for a while now and wanted to keep his first reaction for the video and he played it in VR and Viper joined him!
Friends in the Video:
– Harlequin https://www.shorturl.at/pzCIS
– CloudDasher https://www.shorturl.at/qAIO6
My Social Media:
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short and sweet dude, just how i like it. But you'd already know that lol <3 Appologies for the crappy mic everyone thats what i get for using the default oculus one and not strapping my blue snowball to my head…
Nice video, I've been wanting to record this video for around 2 months and it only took me 1 step in phasmophobia vr to regret everything, vr in this game gives me motion sickness in a few minutes… lol, and I do sound really strange with that microphone..
Iv been waiting for a video like this
I'm so glad I found your channel man, keep the vids coming! 🙂
is that beans on torst?!
So this is sockmoth
came across this channel from the drunk stream and I have to say, this is quality.
scary game :O
On the next episode of: What’s wrong with Cloud Dashers legs