Phasmophobia – GeminiTay, Grian, Scar and Skizz
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
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3GS? Like cellphone data?
Being an american who never learned to think in metric, I have to say metric is superior in all but LONG distances… even out to say 600 miles "sorry it is a megameter, but more commonly referred to as a thousand kilometers (which is literally to say a thousand thousand meters)"
they are not "smudge sticks", they are "Marley's"
100% on the crosshair i lose it all the time and its worse with the flash light on.
Per the phasmo wiki, The limit on the amount of money one can have is $2,147,483,647 (yes that is over 2 billion). The theoretical maximum amount of money you can earn from a single contract (excluding Daily and Weekly Tasks) is $8,110, by completing a perfect game on the highest difficulty multiplier on Sunny Meadows Mental Institution. As for who has the most money… We may never know. the game doesn't track such things. It would take 264,795 (technically 264,794.54) of those max difficulty perfect runs in the mental institution to reach that theoretical limit on funds, so it is unlikely to even be possible for someone to have gotten there yet.
Skizz, no doubt has not been relevant in nearly 20 years, and they had a relatively short run. It is COMMON for a band to be a lead female and male backing band. Them young whipper snappers can not be expected to know about things like that. It would be like me expecting you to know who Mungo Jerry was 😛
I'd love a link to the song from 9:20
britan doesnt use feet and yards – because they lost their standard measurements in a fire, they had to start over so they gave it a second though about using the foot size of a dead king for a measurement.
It was so nice of Skizz to bring all his youtube kids to the haunted house
I love to see gem lizzy 3am Pearl and Cleo playing this it be so cool to watch
Could you please move your notifications to the side? Couldn't see the orbs at the campsite. Also, lower the sound of them?
I agree with you Skizz about Gwen Stefani
That squeal 😂
Grian saying "whaaaaat" to Gem about badminton. He almost sounded like r2d2 XD
Team should be the Triple G'S 😅
Loving these long phasmo sesh's! thank you! as a guy to scared to play it alone, i choose to just watch others play lol
Thanks for always uploading these VODs to YouTube. It’s very helpful to be able to watch with captions on most of them 😊
All I’m sayin is why does America use imperial if we started British… seems to me the English wanted to be posh and measure things based on water and stick it to America
Jokes on them we live in air not water >:)
any time I watch you my youngest son has me say your dogs name.. every time. he recently started saying "ok now every time he takes a drink out of his Kevin cup you have to say the name" he is fixated on your dogs name and loves it. He laughs every time he hears it. thanks for bringing laughs to my whole family your awesome man.
Im waiting on the day I see someone turf the thermo in the can by accident one day on this game 😅 also this is the GGg's group
Wonder how Grian's wife feels about him hiding in the closet with another woman…
You guys should play party animals. I think it would make quite a funny video
I love these phasmo streams where players come and go its not just the same group the whole way through
So great hearing Gem getting more and more involved as she starts learning the game.
Mind if I ask a silly question, that theme song? What is the genre called?
Scar might not know No Doubt music but No Doubt knows Ska music.
I know Gwen. I’m gen z. Parents introduced me though.
I'm so broken that Scar doesn't know No Doubt.
you can use an emf reader to see if an interaction is recent for a picture
You guys need to play less (joking). I spend all my time watching you and I get nothing done 😅 (not joking)
Having Gem on the Imp and Skizz podcast for another ghost stories episode(or any kind of episode really) would be great!
Wherrreee arrreee yooouuu and its not an oni, it screamed so ill mafk that off the book.its emf 5 its emf 5. 😊
Ghost Stories pt 2 for Halloween Podcast!
I love that Gem joined! She's getting addicted too it would seem.