[PHASMOPHOBIA] Ghost huntin' with friends!

Playing Phasmophobia with Girl_dm_, HoneyKub and AndrawnStudios! I haven’t played this in so long and heard that a LOT has changed so I’m probably gonna get scared aren’t I
♡ Be nice to everyone in the stream
♡ No spamming or using harmful words
♡ No bringing up sensitive topics or topics that are completely unrelated to the stream
♡ Let’s have fun here!

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/ @wolfychuvtuber

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23 thoughts on “[PHASMOPHOBIA] Ghost huntin' with friends!”

  1. It was fun watching you identifying those ghosts with your friends, great job !
    As for the next games I'd like to see you play, I propose either Princess Peach Showtime or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe if you're in the mood to race with us online.
    Thank you and have a cozy afternoon, Wolfy !

  2. En Super especialmente lo vemos utilizar gran variedad de técnicas que no vimos utilizar anteriormente; como La Atadura Divina y el "Gigante de Luz". También hay otras más básicas que sabemos que están en su repertorio; como la clonación, curación, y los ataques físicos de ki.

  3. Yay wolfy streaming! Me and a friend of mine played Phasmophobia I’ve had ghost do events on top of me. I’ve even had a ghost spawn in front of me while I was looking for orbs and it spooked me so bad!


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