Phasmophobia GHOST PHOTO CHALLENGE 👻 Mike vs Jane in Challenge of the Week!

Stream starts at 1:24! Phasmophobia gameplay in which Mike and Jane, having learned nothing from their murders in last week’s Hallowstream, return to ghost hunting for Challenge of the Week. Who can bag the better ghost photo and escape with their life? Live chat decides the winner of this week’s challenge! Subscribe for weekly multiplayer challenges, why not?

Phasmophobia is out now on PC.

Previously on Outside Xbox:
Phasmophobia HEART RATE CHALLENGE 🎃 Hallowstream Challenge of the Week!

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50 thoughts on “Phasmophobia GHOST PHOTO CHALLENGE 👻 Mike vs Jane in Challenge of the Week!”

  1. This was my favorite game from Hallowstream and I loved this stream one as well! If you guys play it again, I will definetly watch it (which isn't saying much since I've watched almost every video…)

  2. I still don't understand how the crucifix is meant to work. From the comments I've seen, you have to throw it on the floor, but for it to work, you have to do it at the start of the hunting phase but before it's attacking you. Outside the hunting phase, or after it's started its attack, it doesn't work. But in all the streams I've watched so far, there's no reliable way to mark the start of the hunting phase other than the ghost attacking somebody.

  3. I have watched a bunch of Phasmaphobia streamers, and OX are the ONLY ones who properly use the effing Spirit Box. Everyone else yammers nonsense, doesn’t talk on Local mic, or won’t shut up to hear a response.

  4. I love this one, I’d say it could be an Xmas challenge maybe? If not then how about an Xmas challenge on that extending bus game Mike played months ago, the winner is the person with the longest bus , possible bonus points for additional carnage driving (it’s going to happen with these guys 😋)

  5. To be honest, this stream has inspired to revisit my novel writing. 💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️

    I kinda gave up on it after my "friends" all up and abandoned me because I told them I had low level Aspergers and they didn't want someone as broken as me around and primarily, The Novel was about me and them battling evil on this Earth. But our Earth no longer exists in my novel continuity due to events prior of the novel that I do reference but that doesn't matter.

    I won't go into all of the novel synopsis here but it's based on a parallel Earth, an Earth completely at peace, without war or current world problems. And there's a parallel set of dare devils inspired on the members of Outside Xbox/Xtra and Eurogamer…

    In the prologue, the event that kicks of the Darkness from our world on the Peaceful Earth where the parallel versions of Jane, Mike, Andy, Ellen, Luke, Johnny, Aoife, Ian, Chris and Zoe; (I don't use their real names, they're just inspired on them.)

    They all travel to Switzerland to explore an old derelict complex deep within the Alps, that once was a gaming hotel called the E3 Complex, a gaming convention all year round circa 2014 but deep within the Complex lies horrors and darkness that will set off the events of the Novel.

    So thank you for the inspiration I desperately needed, Mike and Jane. 😊💜

  6. Lol Jane’s quick photo of Mike’s corpse as she was zipping out of the house was brilliant. I wanna see more of these, possibly with Luke and Ellen to throw some good ol’ chaos into the mix

  7. I'm sure that's the passenger effect, but the pictures literally had captions stating whether something could been seen there 😀
    The Poltergeist really was a scary one. But I was a little bit confused, as the ghost box voice seemed to be male, but the ghost's name and appearance were female 😕
    I'd be more than happy to watch you play more of this 🙂

  8. Jane: Run Mike run!
    Mike: I am!
    Morgan Freeman: He wasn't. He was moving backwards in a crouch position trying to take a photo of the ghost for a good 5 seconds before it grabbed and killed him.


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