Phasmophobia Gold Trophy Guide (ADVANCED)

In this Phasmophobia Gold Trophy Guide I am going into detail on how to beat the Phasmophobia Apocalypse challenge as easy as possible. I also go over how you can identify ghost types on the 24x difficulty and what you should be looking for.

0:00 Intro
0:21 Phasmophobia Apocalypse Requirements
0:59 Good Objectives
2:58 Bad Objectives
5:43 Equipment
6:27 Movement
8:09 Hiding Spots
14:19 Ghost Photo
15:35 Ghost Guide for 24x

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42 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Gold Trophy Guide (ADVANCED)”

  1. now I'm ready to beat this ghost's butt, thanks you very much for this very full tutorial, it answered every single questions that bothered me about this apocalypse challenge !
    I swear I'm gonna get this trophy soon or late

  2. Oh, perfect timing! I was just about to boot Phasmo and try for this. I got the bronze and silver trophies first try last night using your recommended settings (I did nudge room change to medium and adjusted events and sanity pills to accommodate for 20x, just bc I hate trying to pin down room-roamy ghosts lol.) Got hella lucky rng with a Deo and then Twins. It was a bit of a trek for the Twins, since it was in the kitchen area, but I made MAD bank off all the dirty water pics LOL.

    Anyways, thanks for making such a thorough guide, Psycho!

  3. Definitely not something that deaf people or people with no hearing, can do, unfortunately. But this is brilliant and in depth video, I have recommended it to my friend who is trying to get gold trophy, thank you Psycho, always great contents from u! 😊

  4. Great guide, managed to get the gold trophy about a week ago, had a stalking phantom very near entrance, figured it out through flickering speed and the fact it kept stalking me everywhere. Sent this tutorial to one of my friends who has been struggling on this trophy for a while now and they managed it after 3 attempts! Appreciate the great content Psycho 😀

  5. 4:34 MISTAKE, the SALT is EASY. I just have to share this:
    Whenever the hunt ends, the ghost "Hunting" becomes a ghost "Iddle" for a fraction of a second, AND THEN teleports back to the ghost room.
    This means that if you place salt on the ground and the ghost "happens" to end the hunt on top of the salt, IT WILL step on the salt before jumping back to the ghost room.
    That's how i got my gold; I did reset the game until i got a Deogen, and i had the salt objective. Spam salt on the ground and just spin the deogen in circles on it. When the hunt ends, gg you got it.

    Good fan Psycho!! Keep on it bro 🙂 🙂

  6. So wait, ghost events have a range? That would explain why I had spent so much time waiting for a ghost event that never happened. I guess I was out of range. I thought they were global.

  7. Another reason why the candle objective is good is that many times the ghost will wander into the chapel while it is hunting and blow out one of the several candles already lit in there.

  8. This will help a lot! Tried the challenge yesterday and had everything except the right ghost…With your video I could've easily figured out it was a myling and got the gold trophy but I guessed wrong 🙁

  9. So good and so much information, thank you so much! I have only finished the 15x multiplier, with Banshee on the bottom right wing. Got the Banshee scream immediately when I went into her room with a Paramic and could not believe my luck! Second time I've ever even heard the scream. I will learn taking the photos during a hunt now with the setting to not lose any items and then I will try this challenge!
    Doing this challenge has already taught me so many things that I didn't know before, I'm enjoying this a lot

  10. I got my bronze and silver after your videos but I got the gold last week because of everything I learned from your videos prior. You're easily the best teacher when it comes to this game I learned so much watching you and it's even made the game fun for me again.

  11. After several attempts, I almost got it, but I should have shut off the UV flashlight after several hunts to hear the different footstep speed because raiju shenanigans. I just wish the ghost photo was more forgiving, I've had too many pics during hunts that didn't count because of blinking out of visibility.

  12. In the hiding spot you showed next to the piano in the chapel, I had a ghost detect my ParaMic from the other side of the wall during a hunt. It immediately went for me, but when it was almost right in front of me, like I saw the front half of the ghost's body, it just turned around and walked away. It seems that's a really awkward angle for ghosts to see you. I have died there to a ghost pathing to me randomly, but it's interesting how relatively safe that spot can be.

  13. I prefer hiding out in the chapel, because it's really well lit already, so that's less trips to gather light sources from the truck to take the ghost photo. Also, if you have Candle as one of your objectives, the chances of the ghost blowing one out during a hunt are far greater there.

  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but for the EMF objective, couldn't you just drop the EMF Reader in front of a door in the ghost's hunting path? I think there's a good chance the ghost will touch the door and trigger the EMF Reader once the hunt is over. It sadly doesn't work with items thrown in the middle of a hunt though.

  15. One more advice I would add. When resetting the run, whether to get better objectives or a better ghost room, it's much faster to just choose "Leave Game" in the Journal. This is faster even if you are already inside the truck, and if you are inside the asylum, it can help prevent you from dying and losing your items while you slowly walk back to the truck.

  16. There's currently a glitch in the game where, at least at 24x difficulty, if your inventory is full and you have a lighter in your inventory, attempting to pick up a smudge stick will light it instead. For now, that means you can drop a bunch of smudge sticks on a table or chair, and be able to light a smudge stick without switch off of the camera. You can even carry two cameras and switch between them since you have an extra slot available. I reported it quite some time ago, but I don't think it has gotten any notice.

  17. Less than an hour after watching your video, I got the Gold Trophy. The objectives were Photo, Candle, and Motion Sensor. I went to my usual hiding spot at the Chapel, placed the Motion Sensor in the last pew, and waited until I heard the Deogen steamrolling its way to me. It was easy to get it to blow out a candle in the chapel, and it only took 3 photos for one of them to actually work.

  18. Got mine after about ten attempts and about 2 dozen restarts because of really bad ghost room rng.
    Mine turned out to be a Yokai and I figured it out because the ghost wouldn't come over to me when I was ready to take a photo and was calling for it, so I had to swap rooms to take a photo to a room that was in his pathing, took the photo, lit the smudge, hid until hunt was over and gtfo of there and bam! gold trophy, I was really afraid it would be a mimic.
    Thanks for the guide it really helped polish my runs.

  19. I got a Demon for my gold trophy. Got annoying trying to get closer to the ghost room because I needed to complete the para mic objective Chain hunted me so much, that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs at the beginning from the manager's room. But got a sound from the corner of the manager's room after 20-25 minutes of trying Well worth it though! Great guide Psycho, you're heavily underrated.

  20. I remember. I was moving equipment inside Asylum for this challenge. I basically stood in the door frame to light the candles. Then the ghost hunted right on top of me and I instantly died even though I made it outside before the door shut. It was a Phantom, must have way-pointed to the entrance one of the times I stood in the door.

  21. Great guide. I'm pretty sure the Jinn can't even use it's sanity drain ability with the broken breaker which makes it completely impossible.
    I'm basing this off of hanging out in the ghost room with two Jinn and a candle for about 45 minutes combined and neither hunted suggesting they never dropped my sanity (yep I did the trophies in order and both my bronze and silver runs were Jinn, I was doing the slow and steady 3 evidence method).
    I also was kinda lucky/ unlucky with a shade on 24x. It started in the courtyard then hung out in the huge corridor (room 7 on your map). By having one pinky in the corridor I stopped it from hunting for over 10 minutes multiple times. The problem was getting the ghost photo. It was taking that long that I needed to go to the restroom. I was a bit cocky and just hid in a room that it hadn't come near yet. I came back to the shade strangling me. Still I got the ghost type!
    My successful run was a moroi. I completely fumbled the first photo attempt against what I knew was either a thaye or moroi. The ghost stomped around me for ages and I was sure I was dead. In fact I knew I should be dead… then I realised, moroi's weakness! yay! – side note: you can definitely tell their speeds apart and that the moroi accelerates but I was having difficulty in the heat of the moment.
    Thankfully, I didn't run into any rocket-powered hantu back when I was attempting it.

  22. The glitch I mentioned in a different comment yesterday that allowed you to light a smudge stick by clicking on it as long as there's a lighter in your inventory, today's new patch already fixed it.

  23. I wonder why the EMF objective doesnt work during the hunt. And i dont mean that the EMF goes crazy. If you put an EMF during the hunt at a door and the Ghost interacts with it during the hunt you still get an normal EMF reading from that door (you can hear it when the hunt is over or the ghost walks away then).
    Could also be a easier objective if it works correctly.

  24. got only to get the gold now. so hard. i just get confused with the ghost type later. ,to realiise which one is it. the trophies has a date too to expire, or is only for the halloween trophie.?

  25. I finally got it ! After +5h of tryhard and rerolling for objectives a deogen pointed itself and i could do all objectives. I had the paramic objective but i smudget it and got closer to its room to get a sound, that I got.

    Thanks you psycho for helping me reach this


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