Phasmophobia Goosebumps Jump Scare Ghost Hunter Gameplay Manni 1

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43 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Goosebumps Jump Scare Ghost Hunter Gameplay Manni 1”

  1. Well, let me just say: Playing Phasmophobia all alone by yourself in a dark room…? Maybe not the best idea 😉
    Ps.: We will, of course, continue our "Little Nightmares 2 Playthrough" as usual. But I recorded some more Phasmophobia and think its a good mix in between 😉

  2. This looks like a fun game and it's more terrifying because you're in a dark environment and you don't know when it's going to come where it's at I like this seems like a good game 👍👍👍👍

  3. Hi Manni. It's really cool to see u playing some of my favorite games.
    Some tips: always use the temperature thing to see with room is the ROOM of the ghost. If it goes down it means that the ghost leaves there and if it goes down by a lot (freezing) u should check it in the book.
    After u have found the ghost room u should bring all the stuff in like the purple light or the gjost book or the video camera for ghost orbes and ect.

  4. Sup Manni could you move the picture of yourself or video so we dont miss important things for example at the beginning of the video you were blocking the games camara and since the game is dark we were having a hard time seeing the creature. If you watch marks videos he moves the video of himself a side so we can see important things. Other than that your doing the right things keep it up

  5. Well Manni…i'm sorry but this playtrough im not gonna watch….it F * freaks me out xd …gonna skip this…but good luck for u….gonna keep watch that other game hehe

  6. I play phasmo alone all the time it's so boring without other people (edit: if you need someone to play with I could play phasmo I die a lot (although it would have to be the weekends because I live with other people and they don't want to hear me))


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