Phasmophobia Grafton Full Run 4min 42sec May 16, 2021 by Shuee 01 Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Ask and you shall receive. Thanks to Myth and Tenebre Gaming, as always for the fun, smooth run! I never did get that rootbeer though! source
I've learnt so much from these full run vids, half the stuff you do I never knew you could do, these are really helpful 🙂 Reply
Your videos are awesome! Because of you I worked out the piano hiding spot at Ridgeview and it worked! Reply
early to the ghost hunting master 😳
Nice! I really enjoy these videos
Yo im third yay luv your vid
Make a Speedrun, I would be fun
Nice lmao
I've learnt so much from these full run vids, half the stuff you do I never knew you could do, these are really helpful 🙂
Nice contact and video I gave it a like and I’m are ready subed 🙂
Root Beers all around for another smooth run.
4:42 200 hours and im finding out about head cams off for the first time 🤦🏻♀️
What tipped you off to the ghost's location?
I've had some fast runs but beta patch runs don't count, still that was a great run!
You're fast :O
Your videos are awesome! Because of you I worked out the piano hiding spot at Ridgeview and it worked!
why take photos of the dolls may i ask?