Phasmophobia Guide: #6 – How to use ALL sensors (Motion, Sound, Infrared)

Welcome back to another Phasmophobia guide. In this video I’ll be covering all of the sensors currently in the game – motion, sound and infrared.

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47 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Guide: #6 – How to use ALL sensors (Motion, Sound, Infrared)”

  1. Aditionally you can setup cameras pointing at infrared-sensors to get a visual from the truck if a ghost has been in an area (make sure you turn off the lights so you can use the night vision mode

  2. Aside from the motion sensor having an objective tied to it, there is zero reason to use any of them. For finding the ghost, stopping and listening takes zero equipment and will most of the time lead you straight to the right general area. For safety when the ghost hunts, crosses can already be used to make sure you have space to see/hear it coming, besides that the vast majority of agitated ghosts will give away their position frequently with loud footsteps (yes, even the one that the journal tells you flies and doesn't touch the ground much). The sensors (and parabolic mic) disappointingly only exist to pad the number of items and make the shelves in the truck look full.

  3. If it's all the infrared sensor is pretty useless in my opinion and in comparison. It's just a little better because it glows.
    Oh, wait! While I'm writing I noticed the infrared sensor is cheaper. So it's better. Internet says infrared sensor costs 65 bucks and the motion sensor 100. So it's much better.

  4. my problem with the infrared sensors is, they are kind of useless compared to the motion sensor that also are used to complete missions. only thing i could imagine is that the light they do can help against ghosts like the mare to not attack. but in my opinion the light is just not bright enough.

  5. Actually These green sensors are useless because they Have The same ability to detect ghost but they can’t give You money for one of tasks You can do from whiteboard

  6. The infrared is a cheaper and not as versatile motion sensor. I don't really understand it's purpose. I've heard rumors that it can stun mares, which is highly unlikely, and I've never seen it happen myself. Even if did, that's too much of a niche to be of any use. #buffinfrared

  7. So motion sensors for places like narrow hallways and doorways. Thus are best used in combination with something else. Sound sensors for covering a wide area so you can begin narrowing down a target location. And thermals…I guess just another way to detect ghosts when they aren't the noisy type.

  8. An infrared sensor can be handy when it comes to a ghost hunt. If you place two sensors on the same wall with a little bit of distance between them, it can help you track the ghost's movement, more specifically, how fast it travels between that distance. Handy on seeing if the spirit is a jinn or revenant by how quickly it travels. I saw this technique executed by the YouTuber Psycho.


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