Phasmophobia Halloween Event but Late.

Grian, impulse and skizz play more Phasmo!

Disclaimer: This footage is from a mature stream, viewer discretion is advised.

Edited by LeeRy30:
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34 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Halloween Event but Late.”

  1. Got a headache, so I had the volume down. Couldn't hardly hear what anyone else is saying so I thought I'd turn the volume up a bit…surely Grian wouldn't yell…(three seconds later 6:43) "WhErE aRe YoU?!?!?!" T-T oh man….

  2. Yess more phasmo! Lol the ghosts jump scaring LOL SCAR “so we shoot it?” HAHAHA, I saw WHERE ARE YEW all the time now I love it also that ghost came outta nowhere wait so this was recorded on Halloween or the updates now? I don’t play phasmo but watch u ofc lol play it so idk lol!

  3. Fast Freezing doesn't mean Hantu, it just means it's a freezing ghost that hasn't left the room much! Also on Nightmare the room temps start much lower because the breaker is off before you get there.


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