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Outro Music: Brave New World by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
yay even more phasmo <3
Hey man,I have a question,I know this isnt related to this game or anything,but in scp you showed this scp k think its scp 1499 if you put It on while scp 106 is coming at you then you take it off scp 106 is gone,does it also work with 049?
This game it's scary af
Love these videos
Luigi board?!
nice one 🙂
Someone really needs to make a luigi-board mod
Y’know, just color it green, slap on a few weegee stickers, change the letter pattern to L U I G I and boom, luigi board
Phasmaphobia actually made me piss my pants once, no joke.
Wait, I thought that you could take pictures of the dead boys to get some insurance or shit?
I intend to prove that I said it first.
Now, it sounds like we said it at the same time, but that tears down his claims of saying it first. According to my testing, when connected to the European servers in a discord vc I have ~114 ping. On US East servers, I have ~35.
Assuming You an Ty have similar ping to me when connect to nearby servers, I can figure out roughly how long it took for my words to reach the your, and how long it took Ty's. I took the audio from the video, took the earliest you could hear my voice in that section, and added my ping to yours, and Ty's to yours, to give a rough estimation of when they were said in comparison to eachother.
From this test, I have determined that I said it first by roughly 80 ms
I just love that perfectly cut scream at 8:25
Simply perfection.
Hey neph it’s me for the 63rd time to tell you that I love your videos and too keep up the good work 🙂
'oi bitch!' made me laugh so hard. Great video Neph!
YEAA I love your phasmo vids!!
Hey Nepheron its nice seeing you come back too Phasmophobia!
Yes, you are back with more Phasmophobia 😍
Ah yes, seasoning, ghosts only true weakness ! Can wait for the next update with the new objectif: "Get a ghost to walk through Salt, Pepper, Turmeric, and Marmite, before cooking it at 180°c" ^^
That Gucci cell with the toothbrush AND toothpaste btw x)
Late again dang youtube recommended.
800 views!? this video deserves WAYY more!! 🥰