PHASMOPHOBIA – How the EMF Reader Works

The EMF Reader is a critical and often misunderstood piece of ghost hunting equipment, but how does it really work and what do the lights actually mean?

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30 thoughts on “PHASMOPHOBIA – How the EMF Reader Works”

  1. Could you do a video clarifying how to survive during a hunt please? A lot of people in public argue about being quiet, turning torch off, whether closets/lockers are good or bad, bother closing door or not etc.

    Next time I see someone run into the farmhouse attic on a hunt I’m uninstalling.

  2. Also, taking a picture of something the ghost interacted with gives extra money as well. As long as the EMF reader is going off (and you know what it interacted with), it'll give you money. Once the EMF stops going off, taking a picture of what it interacted with at that current moment won't give money.

  3. I honestly believe that the EMF reader can detect the ghost itself as well because I've had EMF 5s just appear right in my face with zero evidence of interactions, no doors being opened, nothing being thrown or moved around, just BOOM EMF 5 nerd! Which I tend to respond with immediately getting out of the house to get the other pieces of equipment as well as to calm my nerves. I still remember going into the kitchen/dining room of Tanglewood with the reader out and I point it towards the dining room area with no reading, go through the entire kitchen while also checking the water with the same results as well as no dirty water and when I go towards the dining room the reader spikes straight to EMF 5.

  4. Two temperature readers and two EMF readers are a must for any mission. Personally if there's a need to split into teams of two, one temperature reader and one EMF reader per team is the way to go. Personally I don't recommend splitting up into solos even if it does cover a bit more ground.

  5. I had a professional Banshee literally standing on my character and only give us a EMF 4. I don't know if I just suck at getting readings but I can never get the EMF to work.


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