#Phasmophobia #TwilightGhostHunts #GhostHunting #HuntingPhase #Shanksy
Welcome intrepid Ghost Hunters! Today I am breaking down the best ways to survive a hunt in Phasmophobia! Going over all of my favourite hiding spots per map and looping spots for them worst case encounters!
Fancy some real life ghost hunts check out https://www.twilightghosthunts.com/
Download and play MSF on your PC right now! – https://bstk.me/pTDfviqAw
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nice nice
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 Keep up the good work! ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
very nice job
was waiting for a video like this, also keep up the good vids.
For people who don't know, the best way to hide from the ghost is in a closet / locker. The ghost cannot walk randomly into closets / lockers, even if the ghost sees you enter one it will stop chasing you (interesting game design). The ghost will randomly walk around rooms if it is not chasing someone so if you hide in a room close to the ghost there's a small chance of it walking into your room and killing you. Keep in mind that ghosts will act differently in hunts, for example Banshees only target one person in hunts until they kill them, Wraith can see through doors so if there's no closet or locker in the room you're hiding in you better be hiding behind something, it will lower the chance of you being spotted. Most ghots can be out run, but some will run faster like a Revenant or a Jinn.
Items that can you vs hunts:
Crucifix will not stop the ghost from hunting if it's already in the hunting phase, it will stop it from hunting if it's trying to innitiate a hunt within range of the crucific. In bigger rooms the ghost might not always be on the crucifix. The ghost will most likely be in their haunted room most of the time so the best place for the crucifix to be placed in is in the haunted room.
Smudge sticks will prevent the ghost from haunting for 90 seconds (180 on spirits) IF YOU SMUDGED THE AREA NEAR THE GHOST, NOT SPECIFICALLY THE ROOM THAT IT'S HAUNTING! So if the ghost is not in the room, you'll just waste a smudge. The best ways to ensure a smudge is when the ghost is revealing itself (ghost event) or during a hunt. In the hunt, if you smudge near the ghost it will cause it to wonder around mindlessly for some time, giving you time to escape and protecting you and your team #SmudgeSticks4Life.
Important rule is to not cause noise while hiding. Ghosts won't mind your flashlight but if you do use your mic and speak the ghost might find you, so stay as quiet as possible , far away as possible, hidden away as possible.
Remember RULE 1 guys – I might not be able to outrun a revenant but I can outrun you!
best way to hide from ghosts is dont go to haunted places
I was playing tanglewood on professional and i DIED and i bring all the equipment and i lost alL OF MY STUFF because i didnt hide properly, thanks for the guides!
How not to die: Don't be the slowest of the group!
Awesome video super helpful! On my last hunt we found a glitch that if you crouch by the exit and lean back so your head is in the door it counted as you being outside. 😅 Also we has a hunt in the school with the ghost chasing us down the hallway and throwing the crucifix at it did nothing, if it just my luck or does it only work before a hunt not during?
me and a friend of mine were in tangle wood basement
ghost went on the hunt went out the basement door and we slammed and closed the door behind them
Grafton looping spot is through the kitchen door to the dining room then to the front enterance and back to kitchen through the living room while also you can use the kitchen counter to get some distance. It works on all most every ghost, apart from the Revenant. The Revenant you have to take out the kitchen counter and also walk backwards to keep an eye on the ghost while cutting corner to break line of sight at the smae time or just hide.
It's the phas master himself!
don't hide with shanksy, it will get you killed. can confirm hahaha…
Very underrated tips and tricks, thank you mate!
You haven't followed your own rules Shanksy. Try not to die too much.
Closets and lockers aren't 100% but still agree. Get as many doors between you and the ghost as you can. The more doors, the less likelihood of dying. Our group has had people die in lockers and closets within rooms and basements even with the room's door closed and the closet/locker closed; it is still a good option, just not guaranteed. I am going to second someone's suggestion below to smudge during the hunt. It has saved us a few times. You have to use the smudge stick on the ghost, not just its room. However, you have to keep moving after you smudge! It will throw the ghost off, but not end the hunt, so standing around after you smudge won't save you, but it will buy you time to get to safety.
I was playing a game on edgefield, the ghost room was on the top floor in the front most boys bedroom. We were in the back corners of the room for the most part to try to get evidence, all of our equipment shoved in there and every time it hunted (at least 5) we would see it spawn, walk out the door, then we'd shut it behind the ghost and be safe the whole time. Lots of laughter ensued, not sure if it's luck or weird programming or what, just thought I'd share
How not to die: Don't get caught in the middle of a corridor by a mega fast crawly ghost 😉
Love all your videos, I am new to the game and been using you for tips..
I got 1 question however, you have 3 ways of talking regular talking, holding V "push to talk" and holding B for the walking.
I been always talking to the ghost without pushing anything and only using V and B to talk to team, is that right? or does ghost hear u only with V as well? am i mistaking? can't find answers with google! thanks mate!
Best way to avoid dying in the hunt is to volunteer to watch the cameras and monitors in the truck. #muppet
Great video mate! Should make some infographics for this stuff too maybe with some of the loops
Love the content, thanks to you I’m really enjoying playing Phasmaphobia!
666 views lol
In the second location I was hiding in a closet everytime it hunted, the a friend joined, the ghost spawned inside the closet, my friend died, I didn't, thw difference? I was crouching the whole time. I don't know if it's a bug or the ghost is like those dogs that can't find their owners if no in direct line of sight
I just gotta say…..
I love your accent 🙂
Great tips. Too bad I somehow manage to turn around and run into the ghosts lol
Seriously, very helpful content.
Nice video
Should also mention that the ghost has a much higher chance to find you if you hide somewhere close to it's favorite room, like a room right next to it or attached to the same hallway. I don't think there is a specific game mechanic for it, but 9/10 times I die, it's because I didn't run off into the building and find something further away.
Hey Shansky, I have a rather strange request, there’s a channel on YouTube called Cody ITC this guy makes videos with his own unique spirit box that he built, and his videos are basically him contacting a multitude of spirits, INCLUDING celebrities who have passed away. I’m just curious to see what you think about his videos, as he has been trending on Tik Tok and his YouTube is growing more now because of it, seeing as how you’ve had experience as an investigator, perhaps you can provide some insight as to what he’s doing 😅
3:30 such luck getting an ouija board, don't even see 1 in 5 games
Alt + f4
5:05. I didn't hear any mistake. You go ghost hunting and have people cover each floorey with Shanksy while you lookey for the ghosty. (Try talking like that right before things get sketchy and see who can stop laughing when the hunt starts.)
Hallway ghosts are the worst, because they still spawn in a room, even if they aren't haunting it. I chose the spawn room to hide in, immediately died 😅
All the ghosts need to watch this
Farmhouse "do not hide in this room" .. I always hide there if I was already on my way out.. 😮
Yes. Needed this
why are all phasmophobia guide creators so beardy 😅
Thank you so much for all these hiding tips. I’m just so bad at hiding that I needed some help 😂