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This was so fun! Scar coming back to life only to immediately die again made me laugh so hard!
♫ All night long ♫
Scar's back!
I will never know what happened in those first two minutes :,[ (yes i will im gonna rewatch impulses vod when it comes out tomorrow)
My right ear loved your Lloyd Christmas impression 🙃
ive been fishing for a week im def addicted send help lol
10:13 Are you singing the Crazy Frog song?
I was on Impulse’s stream and i genuinely thought you were dead! It was so funny to see scar get startled like that. Reminds me of when Grian hid and pretended to be dead a while ago lol (this was forever ago)
"don't think I can't send a bill to the afterlife, buddy" lol
1:29:05 that was so mean… and I love it.
@26:26 when you both thought it was a banshee, and chat said it wasn't (I also knew it wasn't) when you also said no goryo because of room movement, Insym has stated that banshees also cannot change rooms due to their long roam, that would normally let any other ghost change rooms, is overwritten by its ability/feature of roaming to the target. So, banshee doesn't change rooms either, as far as I know, and as far as Insym has shared
46:16 skizzs face lighting up when scar showed up is just the most amazing thing!!!
You aren’t allowed to punch yourself in the face… the fist is reserved for very horribly horrible things or people.
Scaaaaar! I love just chilling out and watching vods as I wind down, and when a surprise friend pops by, that's even better
New pump is 12.00 . get it in a day .
Its amazing how fast that game loads when everyone is on the same half of the country
Welcome back scar! Skizz jumpscare
Scar.exe has stopped working and needs to reboot
This is why I love you Skizz, 1st you prank Scar, and when he pranks you back: 1:33:06, Perfect…
Just a little heads up with those 6-fingered handprints… I found out the hard way the Mimic can mimic them.
I realllly wanna see that scare from Scar's POV 😂😂
This maybe late but, you kind of remind me of my sister. Mainly because she's a hugger, and so are you. And that both of you are quite funny- Anyways amazing video!
If anyone came for the title: 1:28:50 (context: skizz plays dead)
THANK YOU SKIZZ I also hate Miss Piggy. She’s super toxic and I hope that no one treats their SO like she did Kermie. She’s the epitome of mean and high maintenance!
I disliked Miss Piggy, too. I had a rubber bendy Kermit doll as a kid, I loved my Kermie.