We’ve learned much about ghost hunting throughout this year and now it’s time for the final test. We bought the best (cheapest) equipment Amazon could provide and are ready to dive head first into the most haunted house in Los Angeles.
ᴍᴇʀᴄʜ ➤ http://www.unusannus.com
ᴜɴᴜs ➣ http://www.youtube.com/crankgameplays
ᴀɴɴᴜs ➢ http://www.youtube.com/markiplier
Special Intro Animation by GrittySugar ➤ https://twitter.com/GrittySugar
Edited by ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAua9maY1vtNdBlYqnHRhwA
This channel, along with every video that has or will ever be uploaded on this channel, will be deleted after our year has ended. This is inevitable. Inescapable. Irreversible.
Do not archive or re-upload anything. This is our last wish. Our parting gift. Stay true to the purpose of our final year or we shall lay down wrath upon those that attempt to escape the end.
Memento Mori.
Unus Annus.
Is this the same house on Who Killed Markiplier
Now did this all actually happen I'm super confused
awww i wish Mark would have used the dowsing rods correctly it would have been interesting :/
Ethan’s lil’ “Yeah, no, this is great” as he shines his light on the REDRUM on the wall is a big mood 😂 Reminds me of the “This is fine” meme 😂
The ending legit scared me like I saw the Mark one coming after the Ethan one but STILL 😂😳 Like the Mark demon in the shadows in the corner made me pause the video and literally be like “No, just no” 😂
A cross made of pipes AND a barrier of buckets. Obvious warning signs.
Mark: I'm just gonna ignore that. Steps over the barrier
Me: Welp…..
the coffin the coffin THE COFF–
I hate ghosts but GOTTA WATCH EM ALL
I kinda like how much respect they have for paranormal stuff. Like they could've easily have been any "spooky" ghost show or just plain making fun of it the whole time. As a fellow paranormal investigator person, I appreciate that.
0:56 that's what she said
The end is near
15:49 dont tell me thats not slenderman
Anyone else get genuinely jump scared by Shadow Unus?
…Um. 6:35 Doorway window. What.
Nice jumpscare
Memento mori
Mark, if he played football: I'm the Quarterbach
I like how up until the last bit where they killed each other the ghost stuff was more believable than most actual ghost shows.
what happends when the timer runs out
The ghosts name is piper and it thinks ethans gonna be hurt and it doesnt like Amy
"Ethan… Hurt… Please run" that scared the shit out of me idk about you. Thats when id go check on ethan cause thats kinda fucked
right before the jumpscare at the end, my heater turned on automatically and I thought I was going to die for a second. my room is pitch black and all I heard was Ethan talking then MY HEATER TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK LMAO
I actually jumped 😅
Did anyone else see the guy by the window 15:49