I streamed Phas with the bois! If you missed it here you go. Don’t miss the next one B) https://twitch.tv/rustyxfawkes
more stuff wink wonk: https://allmylinks.com/rustyxfawkes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rustyxfawkes
Discord: https://discord.gg/rustyfawkes
TikTok: rusty.fawkes
Are we gonna talk about how she spelled phasmophobia wrong??
This is scary to play alone
Yessirrr, gonna watch this soon.
Yay a new video from rusty 😊
This makes my day. I am always excited to see new Rusty Fawkes content because I know I'll be smiling by the end of the video…
I’m almost level 200 >:3
pheet cam when?
Who you
Let's go baby lol. Damn moist you looking cute today
You know its a good day when rusty make a video
Yes Rusty, Gamers Rise Up! 🤘🎮
I’m so in love with you and your humor 😍🥵
PINSFW content creator?
the men in the comments are actual cringe, what the fuck is this bullshit channel made up of, quit giving women a bad name you dipshit.
half of this video is you being dead.