Phasmophobia is not Scary

I thought Phasmophobia was supposed to be scary it’s literally not scary baby game for baby gamers. I’ve never been scared by ghosts and there is nothing creepy about being stuck in a basement alone with one. Who cares? baby gamers

Ghost Hunters
Classeds –

I also stream on Twitch:

And I have a Twitter I guess:


44 thoughts on “Phasmophobia is not Scary”

  1. POV: You had a crappy day and you're just looking for an escape. You get permission from your mom to sit outside on your stone porch. Finally some time away from your busy home. You put on your favorite jacket and sit on one of the steps. You look up at the stars and smile. You feel your smile grow wider knowing that it's the first time in a while that you have seen outside without a mask. You pull up Yerv's new video on your phone while the moon shines down on you, and your cat comes over to join your moment of peace. He lays on your feet as you bask in Yerv's buttery voice. You feel normal again. After so long of feeling so unbalanced and lonely you finally feel okay. Your mom calls you back inside and you fall asleep on your bed smiling.

  2. Playing this Game with discord is like saying you're going to do sports but inside a videogame, everything just losses sense. Also, why cursing in the entire vídeo.. I mean saying it's name once it's enough


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