Phasmophobia – June 2021 Recap | News, Updates, & Future Plans


Welcome to my June recap for Phasmophobia! I’ll be covering all of the updates, news, announcements, and what is to come in the near future.

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28 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – June 2021 Recap | News, Updates, & Future Plans”

  1. I'm looking forward for ot coming out two console xbox the most Even now I already got it on Stream I'll buy it again on xbox in a Heart beat then my friends who like the game can finny play with me

  2. I can relate to the wandering. Even on the small maps it can be frustrating, same with the hunts & wandering, crucifixes are pretty rng now whether they work or not rather than smart placement because when the ghost starts hunting during a wander they're useless.

  3. Phasmophobia a few months ago: Thank God they finally added lockers to Grafton. It was silly it didn't have them.
    Phasmophobia now: Hopefully future maps are also free of lockers and closets.

    Funny how a few gameplay tweaks can change what we want in maps.

  4. I wonder what they plan to do with the hallucinations maybe the lower your sanity the more they appear. Also I watched the full series of nuzzgard playing At Dead of Night and i want to take some inspiration from that game with this. So after each conversation with the dead person you see a small clip of something happening, maybe sometimes the ghost can show you a hallucination of how they died or where they are so like a knife would be shown if they died from a murder or car crashing noise would be played if they died from a car crash etc. This part would probably only effect the larger maps, but maybe it could show you a clue of where it is, so in high school (if I'm not mistaken) there is a math class and science class so if the ghost is in a math class a ruler would show up, or a beaker for a science class or a baby crying for a nursery. That's all, and I cant wait to see more phasmo content from nuzzgard and more phasmo updates from the devs

  5. I think they should KEEP both closet and furniture hiding. Variation is spice of life… and spooky games. Excited for all future additions and features. Totally understanding no mod support at least until they have maxed out on what the want to add to the game, their vision first. Hoping they fill in the gaps of evidence combinations with new ghosts from around the world. Also the smudge stick durations could be set somewhere in the middle, maybe to : 8, 10 or 12 seconds. Anyway great recap 🙂

  6. I must say the wandering is a interesting mechanic, we had a banshee in tangle wood and it was the kitchen ghost room, but we were there for 20mins approx and never got freezing temps. When it hunted the banshee had also clearly wandered as it spawned near the main entrance hallway closet, where we were all headed, and killed me pretty quickly due to that. So it can be annoying for evidence but for hunts it can really change where you need to hide, as it might have spawned in front of that closet you want.

  7. I had a game on Edgefield a week or two ago where we had a banshee hanging around the kitchen to dining room area, constantly wandering between the rooms. I don't think we ever got the freezing, or if we did, it was like 20-30 minutes before it got cold enough..

  8. I've had different experiences with wandering. Everytime I play, the ghosts rarely wander to far from their rooms, except if they are a hallway ghost. All the hallway ghosts I've had wander alot and are very difficult to get spirit box evidence and any signs near their chosen hallway.

  9. I played with friends yesterday and we had a Wraith that was wondering soo much, that we never got the freezing temps, even when we followed it around the house with a thermo. We ended up having to guess, and got it wrong. This was in Tanglewood. Very frustrating. I find that the ghosts wander way too much now.

  10. Best scare I ever had in this game was me and a friend playing Prison on day 1 of it's release, the ghost was in the one of the cell blocks(which sucks), we were turning to go back to the truck when the ghost slammed every jail cell shut then started running at us

    I want to see more events like that

  11. As far as the 'wondering' goes, it feels as if EVERY mission the ghost is wondering. Having a non-wondering ghost is more rare than anything now. The game is still fun, but a little frustrating.

  12. (7:29) Nuzz I'm So Glad You Brought That Up Because I've Actually Had A Few Problems With The Thermometer Being Broken When I Tried To Find The Ghost Room But At Least It Still Gives Me The Indicational Readings, But It Never Really Detects Freezing That Well Anymore. It's Honestly A Bit Annoying That The Thermometer Does That Now. Also Congrats On 50000 Subs.

  13. agree on the ghost wandering, and thermometer. It's kind of make the game harder. But this does not make the ghost finding impossible, just harder, and need more deduction and experience.

    And the smudge stick, although it has shorter smoke time, I feel that it's more effective in repelling the ghosts, especially when they're hunting you.

  14. Me i encounter some ghost type i think it's demon since the new update demon can be more frustasting this update of the ghost wandering around not only that Demon's got buffed too higher chance of hunt which annoying appointment,one again using smudges or crucifixs is totally waste and pointless things on this update for now hope they fix this issues but nvm it bit more challanging on the Holocaust h3h3


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