Ever watch Ghost Hunters, TAPS, America’s Most Haunted, Grave Encounters or any other ghost hunting show/movie? If you ever wanted to become a ghost hunter, now is your chance! Investigate various locations, with or without friends, and use your ghost hunting gadgets to discover what entity it is you are hunting… or what entity is hunting you.
2:00 Grafton
13:40 High School
30:17 Bleasdale
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Shout-out to my patreon supporters:
Sanity, Michael Savage, Mantha21, Arcturus, Azrael, Beans, DeeTower, thrillofthefright, Kobold Keesh, Stephanie, Vivianwinter, TotallyNotRenee, Robert Stewart, CandyCadette, Renee Anderson, StormBladez90, Rhoannon Mitchell, Mika, Jacob Webb, BluBudgies, Safton, M Kranch, Cursy Smurf Erica, Bradley Udink, Cody Remkus, Heater Croy, Zachary W, Kira Smite, Danielius Komoliubio, Lana Albert, Samantha Shobe, Sean Riddle, Gina Marie, TheFox, Shadaia, Nina Toll, SoggySocks, SpaceCorgi, SonjaFitzy, Steven Lopez, Inayah, TheMedlow, Kaila Deweerd, GoldenNebula, Arya, and BIG SHOUTOUT to DOGE and JASON WALLACE!
Yessss more Venttex! 👻
yay early!
i have never been so early ! still posting the good content venttex ! ♡
Heck yeah! Screw sleep!! Love how you always upload at midnight where I am!!
Early again!
Watching this during online classes 😂
the fact that you’re not scared-
1:45 that guy's just vibing so hard
It’s THE Venttex!! 😍
158 views 26 likes and like 12 comments
don't know why?
Edit: oh and 0 likes
Also, sad your face isn’t showing bug ☹️
Love your content venttex! Safe to say the best channel in my opinion!
Every night I look forward to hearing "hey there. Venttex here"
I've been getting A LOT of revenants lately. Not cool, game. Not cool
Lol, everyone's jealous of Venttexes skin lotion!
venttex you should always keep your thermometer pointed at the floor, because if it's too far away from you like across a room, it can't reach and stays on the temperature it last saw on a surface because it doesn't read air temperature it only reads surface temperature
Whenever I see YouTube's notification for venttex's new video.
Me: finally, inner peace!
LMAO venttex has 32733 ingame money🤣🤣
Enjoy watching your vids. Maybe we'll bump into a rando sometime. Been playing a lot lately
Glad for another video, thanks! 😁
Calling something "ugly" is never a good idea. It didn't work on predator, and you obviously caused that hunt. Smh
Where’s the face cam venttex?
That little skin lotion bit… I mean, the fact it doesn't give any money doesn't mean going for them is useless, on the contrary, that was a cool bit! It's kind of a meta game now! Hahaha
(sees the title)
I managed to pause on your thumbnail when I went to grab dinner lol
What happened to your facecam bro?
Another Public Server video!!
No Cam? I like the seeing you get spooked
what a legend
Hello Ventlex, I've started playing the game 3 days ago, and have been watching your vids, shadowing you in my gameplay and learning your thought process. I've been absolutely dunking on contracts on amateur and intermediate thanks to watching you! Big ups and good luck with the channel. Earned my sub!
im getting too much revenant lately…
Happy thanksgiving, Venttex! 🙂
One like = One like
What if a cross in addition to stopping hunts when a hunt is stopped it locked the ghost in an apparition state for longer so it is easier to get a photo, would use the cross more vent?
Why do you always upload at night tine
I was playing phasmophobia and we got the ghost type and the other people wanted to get hunted so I went upstairs to get interaction pictures, the ghost was a revenant btw. The lights were flickering so I get my crucifix ready and the person he was after ran into the room I was in, so I drop the crucifix and he stayed there for a bit, everyone else went to the van. Before we left we screamed the ghosts name and killed him lol
Who is unlikeing his video
When you glitch the door and they can just go outside, but still 2 people die 😂🤣
the cameras bug it's caused by the head-mounted cameras (GoPros)
Is it weird that I watch your videos to help me go to sleep? They’re like ASMR to me lol maybe it’s cuz your voice is so soothing and Phasmophobia in general is relaxing to me. Keep up the good work my dude <3
OMG wow my comments now are Invisible, Litteraly every vid..
And I just like "Did they block me to the channel?" like bruh…:(
you a champ man
I threw a UV light that was on in the truck. It shades through the side and onto the garage at Tanglewood.
“Are you friendly?”
“Sounds friendly”
UV light also shines through the truck if you throw it on the floor facing the house. Pretty powerful beam.
"I am playing in a.. different county. So I don't know how my internet is gonna do"
Me, an european: