The level 1200 Phasmophobia special! This is a combined video of two professional Asylum challenges! Hope you enjoy this mess of a run, full of bugs and shenanigans! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
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Question of the video: What is your basketball score in Phasmophobia?
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The link to the challenge wheel is too long to work in a youtube description, if you want the wheel you can join the discord and check the pinned messages in the #phasmophobia channel.
At lvl 1200, it is a babushka lie to everyone
It's the sign of a great game when you still get spooked after so many levels
Ok, so I was falling asleep watching this (cause it's 2am), peacefully, very idyllic, when suddenly at 40:50 "PLEAZE" woke me up like wtf 😀 I had to rewind a bit just to make sure it was in the video and I was not dreaming or noone said it directly to my ear 😂
Insym: "I'm very high."
Ehm, ok Insym but what is your sanity level
Ba Dum Tss
Jennifer is a beautiful name 🙂
56:30 right before hunt
Moment 55:43
Insym: I need, I need you-
My brain: don't you do it-
Also my brain: I need your love, I need your time, when everything is wrong, you mak-
I am OBSESSED with the fact that Jennifer locked you out of the room. She wanted PRIVACY please and thank you 😭
49:45 Jennifer White is saying, "Can't you see the bloody 'occupied' sign on the door?" 😅
Warning to Insym viewers. Do not hold a drink whilst watching, pause it if you need to take a drink. I just spilled a drink all over my bed as I shit myself from a ghost event lmfao. T_T
I love your solo runs <3
Why do people spell it pog instead of PAWG
wait guys, so if the activity goes to the strength of 4 it guarantees emf level 5?? 0-0
I love these videos sm
Ghosts have been super passive for me
try no sound challenge , by muting game volume
Thee amount of DIS-RE-SSSSPECT Jennifer had to spawn far got me all KINDS of triggered! I've seen ghost literally say "HERE" and then "FAR" in the next moment only to not show up and then-WABAM! …murder you >_> smh. At least we have u and ur GOD level, Insym xD
13:42 I nearly threw my mouse
52:37 Jenny just burp in your face and run?
On top of that, she teases you, refuses a photo, and locks the door on you!? Rudest…ghost…ever!
you like every comment lmfao
Hey insym, check this video out, it explains EMF 5 and the activity chart in a bit more detail. The activity chart isn’t always accurate.
666 is my b ball score
My buddy is up to around 2200 for the basketball hoop because it takes him forever to load sometimes.
i found that for me "show us" or "show me" works best if you want the ghost to interact with something, like that one demon i had who threw a book every time i said that
36:50 that edit was kinda choppy… I got weirded out when I saw that… I thought my phone freaked
Filling in the book as Revenant in case it hunts and kills you – now that's a pro-gamer move.
Also these last few vids feel very relationship and feelings related
That's a sad, depressing, little Christmas tree 😭😂
How about "Taunting Randomizer" for some future vids? You are only allow to roll an item, whenever you successfully taunt the ghost to show itself. Start practicing your curse, swearing now 😀
I honestly feel taking multiple pictures of the same ghost appearance shouldn't count for multiple items. Seems like a cheap way to spam to get more items at once.
1234 is my score 👉👈
2 lvl 2 EMFs can appear on top of each other and appear on the activity like an EMF 5.
I noticed that the Banshee never really did anything outside of it's ghost room. Usually they like to follow their target a lot. Was my first hint at a Wraith.
Jennifer White: Turns off breaker
Also Jennifer: Tries to turn on light
ok jennifer
i stopped at 420
Idk why ur xbox gamebar is making u lag because mine wasnt lol
I finally maneged to watch this madness. And i got some idea for new challenge. Only flashlight and camera. No spiritbox, no sanity pills, no UV light, no salt, no other things. You can use all commands like "show yourself" or "give me a sign" etc. You can also use monitor for orbies in truck and total activity monitor. And last one thing – You can pick your favorite map. I think, that's a good challenge
my score in the phasmo basket is 100, i could do more but i kinda want to leave it like that for now lol
Insym, buddy, I’m sorry, but I don’t think my girl Jenny is interested.
my first game on asylum which was yesterday.
me: "my games gonna crash"
my pc: -crashes-💀
Currently working from home and being paid to watch you as well. While also getting work done of course.