Ever watch Ghost Hunters, TAPS, America’s Most Haunted, Grave Encounters or any other ghost hunting show/movie? If you ever wanted to become a ghost hunter, now is your chance! Investigate various locations, with or without friends, and use your ghost hunting gadgets to discover what entity it is you are hunting… or what entity is hunting you.
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Sanity and Michael Savage
Today when I was playing the game something very strange happened.. I was at street house and we went inside, immediately after the car alarm started going off, we grabbed the key to stop it and just after that ALL of the radio’s in the house turned on, ALL the lights turned on, ALL of the doors got locked, even the closets and doors inside the house, then ALL the lights turned off and on again but it was much more slowely than the flickering of a hunt, it had a interval of like 10 seconds each time it switched from off to on or vice versa… then someone randomly died by a ghost with a purple-ish aura, we rushed back to the van and I died inside the van and got disconnected lol
Oh farmhouse now I remember sorry
offering a tip even though you may not need it: you can take a picture of the board and refer to it whenever to save some trips back to the trailer! 😀
you know the game would be even more scary. if when your sanity is like in the 50%, you start hallucinating like a mannequin appear and disappear in front of you or chairs comes flying at you or got teleported to another location, and when your sanity is near 20% the ghosts will quickly start coming straight to your ass and hopefully you got some crucifix or salt to "halt" the chase.
How do you keep your sanity so high? After seeing so many ghost events, walking in the dark and still having over 90% sanity. Does playing solo not drop your sanity as much?
Ventex make a play Where u put the motion sensor on the mannekins for the science pls, could u take pictures two before and after.
I wish the ghosts would move big pieces of furniture like beds and sofas
I commented on one of your vids about how temperature changes in about five minutes. Only because the ghost was a demon and you got it wrong. I want to apologise because clearly that temperature was bugged out. Venntex your my fav youtuber ♥️
Alright, so this is a bit more in depth than mannequins, it seems. We just played a match on Grafton Farmhouse. During the match, which was against a Yurei in the upstairs baby's room, the ghost moved the crib, moved a mannequin into center of the room, swapped the bed and the chest next to it, and then removed the mannequin. Almost every time we left and re-entered the room as it got more active, something major was changed. I really, really hope to see more of this, because I've never seen it before. This wasn't a modded game or anything like that. People are now discovering moving mannequins, but furniture seems to also be moving, and is next level creepy. Keep in mind it never moved in front of our faces.
Curtains get pulled in Grafton as well
Your probably drowning in the comment section, so I hope your not to deep in. :))
i've found a ouija board in a bathtub before
How can you have so much sanity in professional?
Venttex: You are a Oni
Oni: ………………Adult :C
It's so funny when you egg them on to say "ooold" lol.
why has this guy only got 6k subs he deserves more keep up the good Content
His voice reminds me of the youtuber Boring
Ah sad to hear about the VR headset goal. I hate watching people play this in VR. Really janky and most of the focus is on getting the game to control properly rather than actually playing the game. I will sub to the patreon to support you though!
How the hell have you been in this house for 10 minutes and there were no hunts at all. Im so lost…meanwhile when I play I get hunted every time I play with buds
It's Mannequin Ghostwalker.
But besides the mannequins, apparently the stuffed animals will as well, like the teddy bear on Tanglewood.
No Mannequin movement. Disappointed.
Dude you are too good..
Taking a picture of the book also equals cash money now i think
This game is so boring now. After you get over the initial scare and understand the mechanics its just the same thing over and over and becomes very simple. i was hoping I could get more than 50 hours out of it but i guess not.
I got this game about week ago and I really enjoy playing it. I was looking for tips and tricks for the game and stumbled upon your channel. Watching your solo gameplay has been the most entertaining thing on YouTube and I gotta say I really appreciate the effort you put into your vids! I hope I get to catch your live-streams someday. Work has me busy but I’ll definitely drop by when I get the chance!
11:20 the ghost was like “hell nah this is MINE” drags the voodoo doll across the map
That voodoo doll just YEETED itself so many times there
Dirty water is very circumstancial.
Quote of the year.
I had a mannequin disappear in one of the smaller houses. Don't remember which, but it was in the corner of the garage. Came back later on and it was gone.
Yes i can confirm in several of the ones i have played the manquins move even watch one dissapear on camera
You need to click on the sinks to fill them then the ghost dirty them.
How many pictures of the ghost can you get credit for in one run.
I think a carnival would be a great level.
Different rides could be "rooms"
Imagine a "haunted house" inside a carnival that's actually haunted, or a maze of mirrors. Instead of a ghost turning on lights, it could make the ferris wheel spin or something
I KNEW THEY MOVED! It's hard to notice bc you arent looking out for them but I could swear from time and time again ive seen them switch positions or even move to different areas of the house.
at 13:50 Look at the window above the door, am I going crazy, or is something moving up there?
Freaking love your videos, I always watch them before bed. They just have this calming energy that is perfect for me.