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imagine they use this for the twins 😂
Wow, that is haunting, no pun intended… Or was it? You’ll never know. The screen is cracked.
What about 1 hour version? 🤔
Could you do a 1 hour version of the music box and just the girl singing? It's very relaxing yet terrifying lol
This so fucking awesome!
Mans privated the video in the description
Im so glad you made this, this is exactly what i was looking for lol thank you kind soul
I love it!
10k views on 1h version, please? 🙂
Music is too loud compared to singing
The investigator began to cry as the hums of the ghosts reminded them of their parents and a lullaby they always use to hum them to help them sleep. They listened till the music box stopped. When it stopped the usual hunt didn't begin instead the ghostly apparition of their mother appeared and ushered the investigator to join her in the afterlife. They quietly and peacefully drift into a never ending sleep and are with their parents once again.
Parece a canção da caixinha de música da Calypso que o Davy Jones guardava no pérola negra.
twins %100% becuase no ghost a do two ghost singing at a time.
Makes me think of Little Nightmares, cool!
This is supriisng good
Twin idea: When the music box is activated, the gender of the singing is randomized, regardless of what gender the main ghost actually is. Additionally, the singing may come from either twin. The twin that sings is randomized. If both twins are within 2 meters of each other when the music box is activated, this audio plays. Note that the audio will only come from the main ghost, and only the main ghost will appear if conditions of appearance are met. The mimic can imitate this.
I didn’t know I needed this before today.