TR: Phasmophobia’ya gelen yeni güncelleme ile birlikte Müzik Kutusu seslerinin tümünü oyun dosyalarının içerisinden çıkartıp sizlere sunuyorum. Bir tane de bonus ekledim. Keyifli dinlemeler. 🙂
EN: With the new update to Phasmophobia, I extract all the Music Box sounds from the game files and present them to you. I do added a bonus. Enjoyable listening. 🙂
Phasmophobia – Spirit Box All Answers here;
00:00 Solo Music
00:30 Female Singing (No Music)
00:58 Male Singing (No Music)
01:28 Female Singing (With Music)
01:57 Male Singing (With Music)
BONUS (This content is not available in the game!)
02:26 Fe-Male Singing (No Music)
02:55 Fe-Male Singing (With Music)
Twitch Kanalım:
Great job!
Is the (fe)male sound a thing in the game?
nice vid
So cool! The audio is so clean great job
The male ghost seems weaker and less expressed than the female ghost. theres probably a meaning from this that i dont know.
Very cool bro!! Bro, how do merge the musics?
What a great way to give myself nightmares!
Reminds me of the good old winter lanterns from bloodbourne
The male singing sounds like the dog singing lalala meme😂
I swear I've heard both of them at the same time and it scared the shit out of me LOL Its so unsettling to hear in game.
Me when i hear the last one: ohh nice duo, is that the twins?
whats the id for it?
The male one sounds really sad like he's having a very small moment of peace and he's trying to enjoy it in the time be can before he has to kill.
this is soooooooo pretty
Как по мне самая атмосферная с мужским призраком.It seems to me the most atmospheric with a male ghost.
The fe(male) song can be used for the twins like the normal ghost and the decoy
Hocam selamlar, bu music box'ı gerçekte bulabilme imkanımız var mıdır sence
2:55 should be the main menu song when the game fully comes out.
It would be nostalgic for who got the game in the early access.
Ngl, some people will gonna say that in solo its creepy but actually for me its relaxing
im not going asleep tonight lol!
CJ Sings for the male voice but tbh they should've got corpse to cover that if they wanted that growl xD
The male singing by itself reminds me of the dog that goes la la la la when it’s owner moves it mouth
I love this music (singed too)
Edit: the end of female sing sounds sad
Music (fe) male could be on the Main menu only for those who bought the game in early acces
Who knew CJ had some pipes for lungs LOL I think at least he did the music box I could be totally wrong
why is the female voice out of tune that made me mad tbh
As soon as I heard them separately, I knew they would be amazing together. Thank you for this. I want a longer or looping version. It's so comforting.
0:59 i like it
Male ghost be like:
"Let's go deep"
subterranean singing…
"Oh, hello there"
Ghost hunt
I really like this music box but when I get to the girl music part it makes me feel like they go like sad and singing for help edit: thank you for making this video or else I couldn't sleep
The female have such a beatiful voice
i both love and hate the music box it creeps me the fuck out .-.
Coraline soundtrack be like:
The Fe-male part is fire is there like a 1 hour version i can get of this