I heard this jam the other day and couldn’t help but do a cover of it! Hope you enjoy!
I stream on Twitch, playing Phasmophobia, music, and other games! If you’re interested I’d love if you checked it out
Piano Sheet Music!
Original by Eblavender
POV: You’re playing this at 2am
Crazy part is the music written matches the first part of the song
All its missing is the male ghost going n̷̺̈ḁ̵̋ȃ̷̭ä̸͈ả̶̖ ̶̖̒n̴̥̚ȁ̶͈a̴̱̎a̶͔͝ ̴̨̄n̵͎͑ã̸͕ ̶̗͑n̷̼̔á̸̫ ̶̛̣n̶͈̆ǎ̸ͅ ̶̜̄n̵̢̛á̷͎ ̴̟̔
I love music boxes…
I love phasmophobia…
And I love this! 👏🏻
1:30 You'd think it's silly but I started tearing up when this played
Really nice work! I know that the Adrift in game is only a portion of the full song Lavender wrote, so maybe we'll get to hear the whole actual song one day 🙂
It's really relaxing and scary I like it
This music looks calm and feels pretty dead melody, like of ghosts' life music probably :p
I like it!
I’ve never had a music box play this long. It’s usually to the first melody change then the ghost starts going crazy. I still hear the groaning singing even though it’s just the song
why is the least watched the start and the most watched the end. its a line
Very very good job! I like it very much. i maybe should write my own cover of the phasmo music box song.
How did you do the cover? Is it all electronic? It's lovely.
Feels like if Phasmophobia ever had a story mode and an end credits to a tragic story this would be perfect for the credits.
Why is my light flickering al the sudden?
Did he copied or edited the song melody? It sound so much like Master of Death from Peter Gundry but slower 🤔
My spine is getting colder….
Do you have the song ingame as a midi file? In that case it would be very nice of you to send it. And if i do a cover with it(and you created that midi file) i'll give you credit for the midi file.
This is really creepy Imagine hearing this in a haunted house
Y’know, whenever I summon the ghost with the music box, I don’t actually feel scared. It’s almost like I’m holding a reminder of the ghost’s more peaceful part of life, before it went adrift. Then my teammates start running and I remember that this thing is only a program. Reality check I guess.😅
if no one singing with the music box, i will
Could you upload this to Spotify please?
Me listening to this on loop: my sanity💀
no man me quede a -100 de cordura :v
psd: muy buen trabajo 10/10
Thank you for including all the sheet music this is absolutely becoming my new piano project
It’s better on 1.25 speed
Love the vocal touch you gave here. Big plus for the video !!
Cursed music !!!
I let drop one tear with this song, sound of sadness…
This is great! I didn't expect to see such a talented singer to have so little subscribers.
But question, on ur cover its says that the notes are BFB for the left hand but i just doesnt sound right, is my keyboard/piano?
this songs reminds me of the one alarm that our neighbors had when i was like 4 or 5 years old sleeping with my parents. hearing this every morning. 😭
This is probably the best music box song I've ever heard. Definitely should become the main theme for Phasmophobia.
sounds amazing on x1.5 speed
This beautiful song made me almost cry bc it made me think about a lore.The lore is that the person ho died if it was a kid it will remember the music box when he was kid and starts geting angry that you are playng his music.Or if its a adult it will be angry bc it was his kids music box and you are singing it.😢Or the old ghosts like the kids, remember the time when they sang the music box and cry but then they are angry and vengefull😢👻I still listen to it like 3 or 4 times a day. I love it that it sounds like a fairy tale😢
This could be like a intro video starting up phasmo like l4d2 they have a starting intro
This makes me so uneasy.
One year ago, I had panick attacks everytime I played this game.
Since a week or two, I play this game a lot with some friends and I love it.
And now, I listen to this music when I go to sleep. xD
If someone ever told me I'd love this game, I'd never believe them. xD
If there was a Phasmophobia movie THIS HAS TO BE THE TRAILER MUSIC