Phasmophobia music box FULL

Phasmophobia music box no voice, female, male, and combined together into one track! ᓚᘏᗢ

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21 thoughts on “Phasmophobia music box FULL”

  1. я ищу комнату призрака , тем временем мой друг , который взял шкатулку чтобы начать охоту :

  2. I love how the famale sounds like a mother craddling her child while they sleep on her lap. While the male is the father who probably became a killer, killed the family, then himself in greif. So maybe the ghosts are just a family killed and are now angry so they vent on suspecting victims which are the players.

  3. This thing is bringing out the creepy and psychotic side of me but also putting me to sleep at the same time that it also is very creepy but soothing like a mom rocking their baby back and forth to put them to sleep this song is actually made me fall asleep

  4. I've listened to this a couple times over at this point and it's haunting, at least for me. Hearing first the music box by itself, then both the masc and fem voices singing first separately and then together as if it's a build up to something and then the end being just the music box by itself again is so chilling to me. And that's disregarding the odd sense of nostalgia I hold for the song.


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