Ever watch Ghost Hunters, TAPS, America’s Most Haunted, Grave Encounters or any other ghost hunting show/movie? If you ever wanted to become a ghost hunter, now is your chance! Investigate various locations, with or without friends, and use your ghost hunting gadgets to discover what entity it is you are hunting… or what entity is hunting you.
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I love your phasmophobia vids so much, Ven, it’s been keeping me happy all day 😀
Love your gameplay, keep up the great work!
Brown water means you live in Flint
Kind of a dumb question but what key do you press to open the doors, when I use the main key while holding a camera i accidentally take a pic.
I'm not a fan of the RNG on the crucifix seeing as it covers a small area and a ghost might start hunting after it started roaming around outside the ghost room.
I also want to note words like "scared" and "hide" trigger the ghost, so I usually go "I'm not scared" and "I'm not going to hide".
can i request you to play with someone else
Keep the videos coming! Great job! Love the solos.
Saying its name then telling it what to do does not work.. Either say the name or give it a command.
I'd like to see a few more ghosts fill out the roster. For example some sort of "peeper" – a ghost that roams a lot and will often manifest in a nearby empty room and attempt to silently watch you from around corners or behind objects. Looking at it with a strong flashlight or getting flashed by the infared light sensor causes it to disperse and it likes to knock over cameras. The longer it watches uninterrupted, the more likely it is to start a hunt when you notice it.
You’ve grown so much in these past few days keep up the great work! Amazing content and consistency!
id love jumpscares. if when you died it would show the ghost jump in your face or something i think that would make the much more horrifying
You're not crazy……I saw it too…
awesome video mate! I'm on EU servers and only lvl10 but I look sometimes on US to see if I can't find you.
You deserved a sub 🖤
I think they should add echo of falling things in the asylum and curtains moving
So i am not really up to date, trying to watch all the videos. I love the idea of more interactive objects for the ghost and new sounds, just not make them to scripted. I actually did not think i would think this game was scary, but it really gave me the vibe from the good old amnesia days, dropped my mouse like 2 times last night haha. Keep up the content and i will look forward to this game improving over time.
I got a phone call as soon as you said "I got a phone call"
i think sanity events and 'darkness' events would be cool, like events that can happen at certain sanity levels like hallucinations beyond what they already have for that, and for the 'darkness' events, it's essentially, if you're walking around the place in the dark like if the ghost rips the flashlight from your hand or something and you're in total darkness, you see and hear things in the dark as your character's eyes adjust to the darkness, like red eyes, or growling, or roars, maybe the occasional screams of terror and horror, another thing i'd like to see is the possibility of there being more then 1 ghost at the same location at the exact same time and the potential of them both being different ghost types, and finally, just, extra abilities for the current ghosts and extra ghosts added to the roster
Wow, I have never seen you die before. Alright, if a BANSHEE can take you down, Banshee is officially the most dangerous ghost ._.
Wish i could customize my van and have pictures of DuskTheViking and other awesome phastubers like this guy here plastered around. But that’s up to the devs^^
do you have a twitch?
You sound like ethoslab cannot get it out of my head
What happens to your selected items if you quit session?
Venntex you will hit 100k by next summer. Keep it up ❤️
Your voice sounds eerily similar to woodysgamertag. Haha
I just tried to play that house alone and in less than 20 seconds IT TRIED TO HUNT ME. ACTIVITY 10 AND THE LIGHTS WERE BLINKING AND IT FREAKING SHUT THE DOOR ON ME
This guy: calls the ghost by his name for 100x – nothing
Me: "Heeey Pat…" *lights start flickering* – wE dEd BoIs!!!
I was playing this map with a friend last night. The ghost was playing with the lights in the bedrooms upstairs. It seemed to only play with them while we were in the truck. We only had two pieces of evidence, but my friend thought we should call it. I decided to give the ghost a parting message before we left. As I'm heading back to the truck, the lights upstairs go out again and my friend decided we should go back into the house but just the downstairs area. 10 seconds into that, our flashlights start flickering, the front door locks and the ghost attacks me.
Yo you don't need the ability to zoom on the webcam you can use obs to set up the live green screen or you could record it into a separate video and chroma key it and crop it. Either way good luck love the vids
That ghost already knew who came, so he just come by and say hi, then left the house forever.
me and my friend played this one on professional and he was lvl 4 and me lvl 20 we had all of the equipment and i had 1k left then i died 2 times in a row and lost all my money in like half an hour -_-