#Phasmophobia #TwilightGhostHunts #GhostHunting #HuntingPhase #Shanksy
Welcome intrepid Ghost Hunters! Today we are covering some of the new topics in Phasmophobia – Prison Level and the conversation about PVP
To check out the development board – https://trello.com/b/9QrnqQ1j/phasmophobia
Fancy some real life ghost hunts check out https://www.twilightghosthunts.com/
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With they made a hotel
Ok, there are 2 prison assets packs on the Unity Assets Store and I thought he was going for the other prison pack which looked more like the Asylum but I am glad he didn't it adds more variety that way. You can check the pack out here: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/modular-prison-pack-146929 Everything map / model related in this game is bought assets as the dev doesn't make his own props.
The real question is How the Devil are you?
i could see them treating pvp more like secret neighbor..
Maybe scratches or blood or satanic black ink on the walls could count as evidence for a new ghost
Wait so they've added these things?
Gotta say, for how much I like pvp, this game is totally not suitable for a pvp mode.
And even if they add that…. it will end up like among us, where if you join a public and you get the ghost, maybe some ghosthunters will leave as they've been put "in the wrong team".
I hope the devs can keep up the good work as this game is so fantastic.
i would like a classic run down hospital to be in the game someday
I don’t want to see PvP in this game. I want to see an improvement on the quality of the PvE elements.
What if the Phantom can actually possess people and sabotage equipment like moving items, turning off camera's, or temporarily incapacitate the possessed player
One of the maps I would LOVE to see is an abandoned mall
Would like to see like a creepy forest or swamp. Something outside where the present weather effects can affect the gameplay and atmosphere
I think a cemetery map would be very interesting to see. I can just imagine being outside the front gate and seeing everything happening inside as the ghost hunts your friends…
"What would make you keep playing the game?"
– Simply put. More RNG. Which is odd for me to say as an MMO/RPG player where RNG is your main enemy. But in a game like Phasmo it is the core of the games lure. The fact that each time you enter that doorway you have no idea what you're in for. So going forward i would like the dev to add more elements for the RNG system to play with. More ghost types. More personalities. More evidence to find. Just overall more work to do for the player depending on which difficulty you choose. A professional ghost for instance would be a very vague, violent ghost that is hard to track and solve. Where as an amateur ghost is more blatant and easily readable.
The most annoying bug for me is Ghost Orbs not appearing for some hall way ghosts
i wish there was some sort of shop in the journal tbh, but you have to wait a certain amount of time to get the objects
I'd like to see then do a warehouse and a hospital map. 🙂
the audio ambientation makes everything scarier, i would love to see the ghost use something similar to a voice app or vocaloid thing so they can say things like reading the nickname of one of the players or repeating things from the radio on the spirit box with random voice tones, or even better psicophonies (? (spanish here, forgot the name of it xd) where several voices/sounds can be catch with a camera (with sound) or directly by the players, like distant laughs or screams.
Lighthouse level. Abandoned carnival. A factory. Or a warehouse! Hospital.
Cemetery map. Mall map. Wax Museum map.
PvP in a game like phasmo would more than likely just be a similar design of SCP Laboratories
Hey man! Glad you've made another video, and especially to give us an update on things. I hope you get more subscribers, and more views mate. Thanks for the tips, and
P.S.- The video of you talking and the audio are slightly off, but not hugely noticeable.
I would like to add a minigame where u can be the ghost
why PVP? pls dont need other DEAD BY DAYLIGHT.
I would definitely like to see a scream park or "haunted trail".
high school is a large map, not medium. It's easily as big, if not bigger than the asylum if you count the upper floor.
Personally, I'd love a "small town" map. You can walk down streets and each "room" is its own convenient store, bank, town hall building, etc. The outside aesthetic would be really really cool. Imagine being hunted and you see street lamps start to flicker.
A new idea for a large sized map would be underground catacombs or even a necropolis which could feature multiple ghosts in the level
I think they should add an old abandoned theater. And then we make the prerequisite tired jokes when we get a phantom.
You on twitch bro? I'd love to watch you play
Here a thought of a pvp (kinda) that could be done. 2 teams of 4 having the sames equipment as each other and the teams can only talk to each other and can't hear the other team. The Team that figures out the ghost and escape wins but you have to get the right answer or the other team wins (even if the other team is fully dead). For the equipment should be randomize depending on the difficulty they are set to. Amateur has all, intermediate has 25% less equipment then Amateur, and Professional has 50% less item then Amateur
There is so many map that would be great, for exemple an old theatre, something small also cuz I keep getting lost in asylum and even the high school 🙁 I want to be able 2 use more object when it’s a bigger map
this game DOES NOT need PVP. PVP WILL NOT work with this type of game
I recently watched Grave Encounters and I'd love a map that shifts and changes with more than 1 ghost.
NEW LEVEL: Abandon Mine Shaft: Coal Mine. More can offered as far as echoes, Kick Rocks/crumble sounds. The map would basically a small as the cabin and very confining. Have some snaking tunnels (Great for breaking line of sight).
They should add quests to use all the items, like the sensors and paramics
yo thanks for the tips and tricks they could be really useful to me