Playing more solo phasmophobia on nightmare. I’m level 4900 or something so its easy and not at all scary. Except it is.
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Ken you got some big balls man..I can't even watch let's plays no mo dat shet iz scawy 😄😄😄
How you died so fast in the beginning…. 😲 Dem ghosts wylin.
i agree edgefield sucks
Commenting for the algorithm
never gets old, hope you’re enjoying australia!
bro just the beginning startled me. not the ghost just kens scream lol
Who put that spine in the bathtub?!
4:28 it's kinda like mo- roy (roy as in "royal", and you also roll the r)
I can only imagine what Luke and Howie will have to say when you 3 are playing Phasmo together 😀
Did you just play a game of DBD and Dc?
The strategic approach of a pro is top notch here.
How does this video have so low of likes
ONE minute in and – If I could hit the thumbs up and sub button another time I would. I will never tire of your content Ken XD The moment that made me pause and type this out was 0:53 Also those foot steps are WAY more nerve wracking now x.x
Ken can write a theses at this point on this game Real gamer gentleman.
Ghost: K-I-T…
Ken: surprised pikachu face
Almost to level 5,000. Very nice
I loved the beginning he’s like “where are you?” Ghost replies in the board, Kitchen and he’s like.. ok ok bye now lol. And also that deducing at the end there…. A+
Why don't he heart comments like Felix :/
I could never playthis game by myself 🤣🤣🤣 you're such a chad. Keep it up, Ken!