Phasmophobia has yet another update, but you’d be surprised on my thoughts about it. The new CUSTOM MATCHES are tons of fun.
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Love the new update ❤😂. Thanks Ken for all you do
I love that everytime Luke dies it's Howie's fault.
Luke's NYOOM just about killed me, wrong time to take a drink 🤣
Fastest campground run ever, Luke's out here running like a pro sacrificing himself in the name of speed!
I have been waiting to see your reaction to the changes. It did not disappoint! Cant wait to see all the chaos yall will get up to with the custom difficulty.
2:30 Why is Howie so massive?
I've started watching more of Ken's gaming channel than the react videos. I love the phasmophobia videos
Luke cracks me up 😂😂😂 all of like 15 secs into the game 🤣
I miss seeing Luke's side on his stream but good to know he hasn't changed a bit 😂
Omfg… Luke you are going to cause me to die laughing one day 🤣
Watching the three of you play together makes me laugh so hard my whole office hears me. Thank you for your hilarious commentary and never failing to make me laugh on a bad day ❤
Is there still hidden stuff in the office that u can only see with the black light?
Omfg. Luke dying at the speed of light.
3:37 has got to be the best death scream I’ve heard in a while
legit thought it was a video of Ken's New office when i saw the first version of the title before it was reedited
"Harbor Freight flashlight" GOT ME 🤣🤣🤣
LMAOO When the ghost said "young" I thought it said "yum".
Ken: Yep freezing and fingies"
Ghost: YUM.
Haha! I almost feel sad for Luke <3 😂
"I walked in the door and DIED!" Luke, welcome to the custom difficulty! 😂😂
Been waiting for you guys to react to the new update 🙏
6:45 pure golddddddd
The episode where Luke dies every time. LMAO.
I can play so many zombie game but for some reason Phasmophobia scares me more than any other game. I think it's the anticipation. I am always running out of the house leaving everyone else inside LMAO So I hope my husband knows I am willing to sacrifice him if our house ever becomes haunted. LMAO
I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time, lmao! Poor Luke! He plays like me 😂
Instakill luke was bloody hilarious 🤣🤣