I think Jeremy is stealing albert old and new content, but I'm not sure please dont get mad but albert was also playing this game and now hes also playing murder mystery and life in paradise like albert would, again please dont get mad this is me.
Bruh I bet most of the comments and views are mostly people checking on him. And I bet that those 9 years you are talking about probably lost interest. Why do you think that Jeremy had a bunch of views from adopt me.
This is disappointing as you went from being "Family-friendly" to then poking your finger at Josh, to this. If minors watch an age rating that is 16, you HAVE to say that you're playing an over 16 game for they say the age rating for a reason, this is if it has any racial or sexual meaning.
Jeremy: hey everyone! Today we are play pha-
Me: reads title oh hard mode…. welp this is gonna be funky
Jeremy looks so different
I feel bad for Jeremy he has lost so many subscribers 🙁 I hope he is doing okay!
I think Jeremy is stealing albert old and new content, but I'm not sure please dont get mad but albert was also playing this game and now hes also playing murder mystery and life in paradise like albert would, again please dont get mad this is me.
Jeremy i unsubbed 🙂
Your an kids channel.
you basically post an video for 16+ honestly.
Tip: whenever your hiding always stay quiet because the ghost can hear you
I miss the old Jeruhmi like no offense im a fan but I feel like he's trying to be like Albert
Hes ran out of likes
Jeremy gonna turn to flamingo after Adopt Me banned him tbh
Lol ur face tho 😂😂😂😂 3:27
No one:
Most of the views and comments: Omg Jeremy changed so much, does Jeremy think that 9 year olds aren't watching him anymore.
Bruh I bet most of the comments and views are mostly people checking on him. And I bet that those 9 years you are talking about probably lost interest. Why do you think that Jeremy had a bunch of views from adopt me.
Jeremys scream is so manly LOL
Jeremy what’s wrong with you please go back to your old self😭😭😭
This is disappointing as you went from being "Family-friendly" to then poking your finger at Josh, to this. If minors watch an age rating that is 16, you HAVE to say that you're playing an over 16 game for they say the age rating for a reason, this is if it has any racial or sexual meaning.
jeruhmiii damn u changed XD
its like he is trying to be like albert-
I miss the old you
Ligit nobody:
Five year olds who watch jeruhmi learning about the s word:👁👄👁
Mom I learned a new word
What is it billy
SH** 😌
No wonder why your channel is dying just stop.
I was no longer a fan of u since june