Phasmophobia – Paranormal Activity

This is Phasmophobia, an online co-op psychological horror game where you and your team members of paranormal investigators enter haunted locations filled with paranormal activity and gather as much evidence of the paranormal as you can.

From Phasmophobia, developed and published by Kinetic Games.

Music for this video:
“Dark Roads” – Josh Woodward (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


8 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – Paranormal Activity”

  1. Nice little demo of the game my man

    You forgot to turn the light out when you left the book for Susan Garcia to write in


    I thought you were gonna make a run for the poopatorium after you took her pic 😝

  2. this was a great tutorial of how not to play this game. looks like you didnt pay too much attention to the vids you watched lol. you didnt seem too spooked by it either, maybe you have a high tollerance. id like to see you play this a few more times. multiplayer is fun but not nearly as spooky as single player from my experience.
    some tips from one rookie to another…
    too many light on will trip the breaker. dont say the ghosts name too many times. your items dont need to be gathered up, you only lose them if you die


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