Phasmophobia Paranormal Paparazzi Weekly Challenge

Phasmophobia Paranormal Paparazzi Weekly Challenge

Welcome To My Channel! I play all things phasmophobia and horror games. Please subscribe to the channel to stay up to date on phasmophobia releases as well as new and upcoming horror games.

If you are new to phasmophobia, I have several videos that can help!

New Player Full Playthrough:

New Player 101 Guide:

Nightmare Mode Guide:

I also stream on twitch four days a week:




18 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Paranormal Paparazzi Weekly Challenge”

  1. I watch all your Phasmo videos, the longer the better. I don't use Twitch at all. Your Batman video was the funniest thing you've ever done. "I wish for parents" had me rolling.

  2. Your TikTok is where I found you originally. Then I followed on YT and Twitch. I love the short videos on TikTok because they're usually super funny short clips. But, I love the longer ones on here. I just leave them playing while I clean my house, lol.

  3. I love watching the Phas videos and that's how I found your channel tbh. I've been wanting to play it, but I play on console and it's not released to console yet sadly. But I do watch your streams when I can and I love the content and the community 😊

  4. I enjoy your phasmo videos. Weekly, your challenges, your shorts, and your random lobby videos. Maybe do streams where you play along with your community? Private lobby, and show the code for a few to join? I think that would engage the community alot.

  5. I don't always have time to be able to watch you on twitch, so the longer youtube videos help make me feel more included in the community. It gives me plenty of content to watch when I miss a stream. I feel like the shorter videos will leave me wanting more. So I say longer is better.

  6. I love to see ME playing with you and any of these games.. like a VIP subscripber / player group, The "Bearded Baron Brotherhood, beards are NOT required".. BBB (LOL) .. being an old fart gamer (57) myself.. I enjoy most if not all you content and shorts.. Thanks for what you do..


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