Phasmophobia Point Hope Guide! Everything You'll Need To Know!!!

Phasmophobia Point Hope Guide! Everything You’ll Need To Know!!!

Welcome To My Channel! I play all things phasmophobia and horror games. Please subscribe to the channel to stay up to date on phasmophobia releases as well as new and upcoming horror games.

If you are new to phasmophobia, I have several videos that can help!

New Player Full Playthrough:

New Player 101 Guide:

Nightmare Mode Guide:

I also stream on twitch four days a week:




9 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Point Hope Guide! Everything You'll Need To Know!!!”

  1. yes the ferryman works in a group I got it for all of my friends and I didn't have to sink the billiard balls in specific holes just in that specific order

  2. there is many things i like and dislikes… I like how detailed that map is… but… it feel it s a lil too big almost… but at least cant realy get lost. i also like some of the changes they made… like the fact we can stop the moving of the tier 3 dots projector ^^

  3. Please Note: Do not hide in the shower if that first floor bathroom is the ghost room. Tis muy no bueno. Hahahaha! But, I survived 7 hunts across 15 games by hiding in it when it wasn't the ghost room. So, enjoy!

  4. thanks man. amazing video, i got the badge not knowing it gives you one, psycho uploaded a 1 minute video for a puzzle there,. the one gives you the id card. i made it for fun, to see those flying ghosts in the air. i go back to lobby, boom, a new id card. im like , wow i was not expecting that at all. baron, or anyone can confirmed this, about the lightkeeper house id card, do you need to do it when playing 50 times, or if i identify 20 ghosts and enter again and i finish the 30 i need to, does it count it.


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