Phasmophobia PRO Team IS BACK! – Nightmare Mode on ALL MAPS – w/ JayzTwoCents

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we play NIGHTMARE MODE with JayzTwoCents. Jay is not only an awesome Tech YouTuber but he’s also really good at Phasmophobia! Let’s see how two pros face off against Nightmare mode ghosts! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

Check out JayzTwoCents:

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.2.1


43 thoughts on “Phasmophobia PRO Team IS BACK! – Nightmare Mode on ALL MAPS – w/ JayzTwoCents”

  1. I'm not sure if it's a bug or broken, but I saw a video of someone asking "are you experienced?" On the spirit box and it would answer every single time. If it's spirit box

  2. I'm not sure if it's a bug or broken, but I saw a video of someone asking "are you experienced?" On the spirit box and it would answer every single time. If it's spirit box. It was kinda funny

  3. This is the best! Ima watch the whole three hours! Its cold af outside and I aint got nothing to do today. Shout out to Jays2Centz for teaching me how to use my computer correctly. I was new to the PC world about a year ago. Your guys are DA BEST!

  4. Insym: "I'd like to see any cosmetic in this game"

    Me who remembers the 90s gaming world: "hell no, Gameplay over graphics anyday – concentrate on the game being fun not what your character looks like that you cannot see."

    Thank god DK, CJ and Lavender understand how to listen to thier target audience and understand the fact that Fun comes first in the list of how to make an amazing beloved game that is Phasmophobia


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