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The sarcasm was strong in this one
Unpopular opinion:
I think it's really cute that jardon is always protecting crumb but I do think that he also needs to let her protect herself or him so she doesn't feel like a helpless "damsel in distress". I know it's for the funnies and everything but because she's so young I feel like it could affect her subconscious being told again and again that she will be protected…🤷🏻♀️
I'm here for National Crumb Day
Honestly did not know rectum impaler was actually a real user 😂
Reminder thay banshees will target one hunter and will only go for them in a hunt, and wont hunt the other 2
Yessss I love plasmophobia
Crumb getting so flustered and not wanting to upset Jardon about getting old was so adorable. Especially when she was explaining how 29 is basically just 27 anyways.
Why does Jordan treat crumb so oddly? He kind of treats her like a little kid
We love and appreciate Crumb in this household
crumb seemed in a way better mood in this video, it was really refreshing and fun. I'm glad things seem to be going her way.
Is it just me or does crumb sound a little different in this video?
"Thank you so much Mr. Impaler, that's very nice" XD too precious
Imo it was really obvious they were doing nothing on purpose haha. Also gonna post my comment again as multiple people liked the idea: run around the dinner table in a house and when it hunts the last person standing wins! I guess you dont need to bring anything into the game to avoid risking stuff
Phasmophobia YAY
Crumb is magical girl <3
Stick burrito because Jordan needs that fiber.
Jordan I turn 30 in March, feel your pain dude. Coffee tastes like smoke to me for some reason.
The thermo isn't ineffective. But it does have a 2-3 second delay. So when using it, you want to keep it pointed in a specific area for a bit to get an accurate reading.
Also, the spirit box works perfectly fine when it is not making the static noise. (If you turn on the box, drop it, and then pick it back up with another item in your hands it causes the static to go away.) That is one "bug" that I hope DK doesn't fix.
3:02 Crumb comes out of the closet
Kara is so sour all the time. It’s a pain watching her complain all the time about crumb and Jordan being cute together. 😪
Kara and Jack are so salty on this one
Hope you had an awesome birthday!!!
I swear jardon does more than anybody
I can break my face, but if Crumb said it’s ok, then it’s ok
Kara: "Sparklez tell me to do things, I don't want to be bossy"
Sparklez: "Ok Kara here's what your gonna do, I want you to make the ghost hunt, then risk your life for a photo"
"build it myself or spend a couple hundred dollars extra" bruh i built mine for $2k, buying a prebuilt one from a big electronics store chain with almost the exact same specs but a WORSE graphic card would have been over $7k, little more than a "couple hundred extra" lmao 😆
Happy Birthday Jardon! Your birthday in 9 days before mine!
Crumb going wawawawawawawawa.
Jordan looks at camera.