The ultimate ghost-hunting game has arrived on PSVR2 and despite some jank, I’m completely obsessed
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Is the vr connected to pc or ps5?
I find the level 1 thermometer a lil more practical, thank you Bryan for this gr8 review!!! I'm enjoying it so much on my 2 headsets, last night me and my gf played on psvr2 at home with 2 more friends of mine on flat through PSN… amazing!🎉
Fantastic review. I know this has been a ton of work to put together. Who else would take the care to locate snippets of their own gameplay footage to illustrate each little detail? You’ve done a great job explaining the game, and watching this just makes me want to drop everything and play it some more.
These visuals are unnaceptable. Ran like shit on my 3070 PC and it runs like shit on PS5. Imagine what a proper PS5 Pro patch with DFR would do.
Great review!
Personally, I DETEST all those 'ghost hunting' shows with a passion … but that doesn't stop me from enjoying this game.
Great Coop Game. So much s*** in my pants 😮🎉
I was avoiding this as i thought it was a multiplayer only game. Good to hear its fun playing solo. Will pick it up based on this review. Thanks Bryan
As I found Madison vr to be terrifying,is this more of the same or worse🫣
Love the ending
i cant believe the right controller is still an issue
I play this religiously on the tv, when I went to psvr2 it was super blurry to the point I couldn’t even read the numbers on the thermometer
I wanna jump in so bad but I'm going to wait until the dev updates/fixes the graphics. I want my first experience to be as flawless as possible.
OK ..OK.. ILL BUY IT 😆 🤣 been putting this game aside until I watched your review. I'm a BIG FAN of Madison and hope this game delivers the same sacres. What is the discord ? I'm going to need some hand holding for a bit 😆
Bro I actually got it for free using my almost expired points from the PlayStation Stars where you could exchange the Golden coins for money and I haven't been able to jump in just yet
I just got this game through PlayStation Plus, and played it for the first time on Sunday…. with a friend who's also a first time player. We experienced SO MANY jump scares! And we laughed a lot!!
It's a fantastic game. Sure there are a few little bugs but easily worked around.
I got this game as soon as it came out for PSVR2….I have been kicked out of many games because I’m playing in VR….very rude people
Another negative for me is no use of headset rumble, advanced haptics and adaptive triggers for all the different gadgets and equipment. Those features would make me buy the PSVR2 version as I already own the PC VR version as they could add a lot of immersion to the ghost hunting. Perhaps they will add those features down the line? I assume the flat PS5 version does not use the DualSense features such as the advanced haptics, adaptive triggers and controller speaker.
Thanks for the review.
Played this with a friend (I was in VR, he was flatscreen) and it was so much fun!
Ooops! At the end of the video I said that Kinetic Games is adding a new gadget soon but accidentally called it an EMF Reader (which is already in the game). What we're really getting is an EVP Recorder which is a portable device that captures ghost voices on analog cassette tapes. Sorry about that! 😀
I don't have PSVR anymore, but I love your reviews. This game is super fun in Steam VR for those wondering!
Absolutely loving this game. Can't stop playing it
I've wanted this game since it launched but never had the capability to do so (and no way am I playing it flat!) Was able to order a PSVR2 bundle on sale for near half the regular price a couple weeks ago – still waiting for it to arrive – damn postal strike). But after I ordered it, I IMMEDIATELY bought this and Madison VR. Can't wait to get into this!
I have absolutely no idea what is going on when playing this game, and I love it!
I always take your reviews to heart. Fan of your channel and content. I bought Phasmophobia specifically to play on PSVR2 at launch and it was too messy. Saw your review and I thought maybe they fixed it but I have to disagree with your review. This game is not fun on PSVR2. I literally put it on a few mins ago and I couldn't even get the front door open to enter the house. It's not a good experience. I get it that you like the game and got use to the bank but the bank is there and it's not something I want to get use to to play a game. The game is fun on the flat screen imo. I would have hoped you would have sent the devs a message on any updates to fix the game. Again. Big fan of your channel but I feel like this review is disingenuous to gamers.
This game takes balls of steel to play alone. 😭
I’m addicted ,please help!