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I highly recommend headphones! This time we do things a little smarter and a little more DEVIOUS.
Phasmophobia on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as much evidence as you can.
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#Sonoket #SonoketGaming #IndieGames
Burn bright everybody,
-Sonoket // Aaron
That one dude that stayed in the van the whole time. Like, get tf in there bruh. The van is useful, but ain’t that critical
The "hey" at 27:00 scared tf outta me.
As soon as I realized you were in the asylum, I was like, ohhhhh shoot he a goner
25:45, "I'm gonna fuck with them or die it's always one or the other". Every multiplayer co-op game.
One thing this games needs is a chance for when you close the back of the truck to leave, and you see the spirit running after you, Hunting, as it closes.
Hai, out of all the other youtubers that play this game I enjoy yours the most uwu this is my 3rd time re-watching these vids
Don't say the name then ask a question
Just ask it cause saying its name pisses it off
They should make it so that dead players can talk through the spirirt box
This game is fun to watch then Ghost Hunt in real life which never ever show anything except crew yelling and film nothing.
Why are you talking and keeping the lights on during a hunt tho???
You guys are missing out on money.
Only a minute in, very happy you swapped to ingame voice, despite my thoughts on the first video about using discord(or whatever you were using), I did watch until the end.
Did that ghost really just mock your voice chat at 4:21? That is insane
Do you still reply to comments? If you do how are you?
This game is so cool I'm actually going to a bunch of different YouTubers just to watch more of it.
Now I'm watching Conan O'Brien playing (at least I think this is who this is)
Game has potential, but as a level 1 player with an understanding of how to play others kick you from servers unless you are 20 levels above them so that they can be carried… This game needs a random match making with a cooldown just like WoW did
Dean and Sam Winchester just joined the chat
It's hillarious how everyone always try to run out the first time xD hide in the basement next time or upstairs…depending on where the ghost is
The "whispering in your ear" is actually them breathing down your neck.
Just discovered this channel, like it already.
6:36 "wait, did someone die?"
Yeah, you.
Ahaha yall crashed the ghost xD
Half of your video is just you trying to be a dick to your friends wtf
i’m watching these videos back and it’s so weird hearing everyone use your name since we all say sonoket in stream
0:27 THE LOOK on sonokets face was hilarious when he heard sho say that XD