Make sure ghost has targeted you, then light the smudge and either hold it, or throw it, so that the ghost is within range of the smudge. The ghost will stop targeting you for a few seconds, giving you time to hide. Note, the ghost will not always turn around and go the other way. Sometimes it will continue walking towards you, even though it has stopped targeting you. That is ok too. Just make sure to hide quickly after smudging because the effect only lasts for a short couple seconds.
this is what i call "the suicide mission"
I play on VR and this is my favorite objective because I just throw the smudge stick at him and make sure to hit him in the face! I'm not sure if it even works because I just run away after that.
You opened the front door so aggressively
since when have the ghosts started opening doors?
Gernade out!
The ghots when he threw that: my dissapointment is unmesurable and my day is ruined