Ever watch Ghost Hunters, TAPS, America’s Most Haunted, Grave Encounters or any other ghost hunting show/movie? If you ever wanted to become a ghost hunter, now is your chance! Investigate various locations, with or without friends, and use your ghost hunting gadgets to discover what entity it is you are hunting… or what entity is hunting you.
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Shout-out to my Patreon Supporters:
Mantha21, Azrael, DeeTower, thrillofthefright, Kobold Keesh, Stephanie, TotallyNotRenee, Robert Stewart, CandyCadette, Renee Anderson, StormBladez90, Rhoannon Mitchell, Jacob Webb, Safton, M Kranch, Cursy Smurf Erica, Heater Croy, Tinúviël smiles, Lana Albert, Samantha Shobe, Sean Riddle, Gina Marie, Nina Toll, Darkemberfairy, Inayah, SonjaFitzy, Kaila Deweerd, Steve, GoldenNebula, Arya, Megg, Pat, Jonathan McClendon, Mat Veloso, Mightyking, El, Lance roper, Dizzymich, Bactathefuture, Maisha, Patryk Niec, Windisprite, Tsundere, Nobleteam33, LordNewtonium, Stylzgottrix, SneakyKittens, Jennifer Moyer, Megatraven, Ryorai, Kai, Nycki, Dong, itsimpel, lollipopskele, Gallop Crush, Rebecca Cooley, Sarah Tresedder, and Ashley 64.
DOGE – $420
PAT – $120
uh O_O that thumbnail tho
edit: this whole video is a concern for your actual sanity
best thumbnail
you like the fanart I made you?
The thumbnail looks like Satan a week before retirement.
Guys, please DO NOT TRY this at home especially at 3AM!!! Your house will be haunted!!!!
Maria, Maria…. she reminds me of a Westside story
What if the ghosts think you're a "Pedro" and just wanna hug you?
Why nancy's bear?
Hello devil man! 😈
She didn't appreciate your hard work at all!
Ha I missed this one. 😭
I call and abjure Thee, Spirits of the North! Attend to our circle!
Becoming one of my favorite Youtubers
thats the most bs thing ive ever seen
69th like 😏😏
Sacrificial offerings, pretty dark. If you start refusing to touch the crucifix again……… Let's just say I'm keeping my eye on you 👀👀👀
the dislike and like ratio is perfect
100th like(noone care lol)
At this point hes actually losing sanity when playing this game and I love it
This madman plays with his door open O.O