Phasmophobia | Scariest Paranormal Moments!

#Phasmophobia #ParanormalInvestigation #HorrorGame
Welcome back to the Uprising ladies and gentlemen in this episode of Phasmophobia we are going to be showing you the scariest moments from today’s 2-hour long investigation now keep in mind these clips wasn’t everything I could have included in today’s episode but these are the scariest encounters that we had so far today! I hope you enjoy the video and remember to bitch slap that like button, join our journey by subscribing, and never stop being amazing!

Want to try the game for yourself?
Phasmophobia on Steam –

What is Phasmophobia?
Phasmophobia is the uncontrollable fear of the paranormal world!


13 thoughts on “Phasmophobia | Scariest Paranormal Moments!”

  1. Nice Video! You guys are clearly getting more professional at this. My Spirit Box usually ignores me so I love it, when it works. Gives me the creeps! I'd like to see more of that. And you should totally try to find Ouja-Boards on the map, they are a random spawn, but they give you a few answers at the cost of sanity.


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