Phasmophobia – #SLPhasmoChallenge Winning Run!

#Phasmophobia #TwilightGhostHunts #GhostHunting #BestItems #Shanksy

This was broadcast live on Twitch, my community took part in the Streamloots Phasmophobia Challenge, and you KNOW we where in it to win it! The rules are – 4 Maps back to back, Host must remake the lobby after the end of each run but can not reroll the lobby for better jobs! No pro hunts where allowed and the most money wins! Lets go

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9 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – #SLPhasmoChallenge Winning Run!”

  1. A believing skeptics huh, well try come here in Japan we have plenty of those to make skeptics raise eyebrows, in here most old school has their "legend" and from experience I know one thing to be true, it is learning hard way lol, because of that "thing" I am afraid to enter rooftop of any building, so be grateful if you never experienced one.

    In here it is only Yūrei, Yūrei is the ghost, Yūrei however divided into many type of ghost Oni is actually classified as Yūrei, a spirit like Hanako, Aka Manto, etc, some Evil, some just like to annoy, another is prankster, another is just ignore people sometimes appear but not doing anything, like you said it is retain bits of their former life experience especially during the end of their life, evil spirit become what they are because grudge, hatred and misery they hold and suffering in life, while other like Zashiki Warashi actually playful who like to move stuff and prank house owner but not dangerous on the contrary this is the type of spirit you want in your house because it bringing good luck.


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