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I love this game, thank you neph to play it
A question not serious.. Are you a boy or a girl? Cuz u sound like a 14 yr old boy or like a 20 yr old girl…(no offense it just confuses me). And also your voice is so calming for some reason
Gotta love that Neph struts into rooms, arms outstretch, screaming "Come at me, ghosts! Hunt me, already!", while everyone else is screaming their asses off at the prospect. You're a real ghost hunter, Neph.
Thanks again for the Professional difficulty videos. <3
"so guys, basically, for some reason, the Ghosts didn't try to kill me. so rude."
Truly, the best of D-girls.
все так медленно делает , тетрадь на стол три часа не могла положить. Слоупок
That one person who disliked: "Oh GoD tHiS iS tOo ScArY cUz Im A sCaReD lItTlE bItCh!1!"
14:16 just two queens staring at each other
Lets coop then! You need a mates who dies and cry like a baby
Seriously though, that "…………aaaaaaaaaaAAAA AAAAAAAHHH !" next to the ear scared the fuck out of me x)
Got to love those atmospheric trees outside of the school. Also are the objectives randomly generated? The game seems obsessed with dirty water.
I feel like the real spooky stuff that this game’s ghosts does to you is making the doors have a mind of their own xD
You’re solo gameplay is amazing, you’re confidence and bravery is through the roof. This is why I love your channel.
Neph deserves a title beyond chad at this point.
this is like Keter difficulty in CB. Also, more SL when?
I was so sure you were very dead on that second hunt. Then I remembered who you are.
The breathing spook me so much because i was si relax and then that sound
¿How are you so pro in all horror games?
PD: Really nice video👍
UK women are just built different sheesh
I want Phas so bad
I loved your intro 😻❤
0:11 maybe the ghosts are simps
Yes sir
Among us playing please veba firat love😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
neph: do you mind?
god that got me laughin
Wait… This video only have 1 dislike… Amazing!
First time I know this game from Eddie vr with the boys
I'm loving these solo runs!!
You have more nuts than me and I am a male so do you know what. I respect what you do keep it up! Haha
Neph: Play this in Pro difficulty
Me: Screaming like a bitch at any sound i hear
your good at this i cant even play a game without a friend cuz i get scared easily
Jesus Christ the sheer guts on display, I literally can't play these games without being utterly terrified and yet here you are making it look like an actual walk in the park, a particularly pleasant one too!
Watching a game playthrough by Neph is inoculation from scares
Damn notification is 5 days late
Neph: Not much activity. I hope I get some activity going on now.
Few min later
Proceeds to not only take 1 but 2 jars of sanity pills
u don`t need to wait for the ghost to do something to make the smugesticks side quest. u just have to light it in the ghost`s room and throw it on the ground
i guess the reason why she can do this allone that easy is, because she doesent has the right mind set to become fully immersed in the game.
for example she just tried to get all proofs as fast and efficient as possible, not even going into rooms for real, just step in for a second, go out.. stuff like that.
if you play the game like that, it will be less scary/ spooky
i guess phasmophobia is a game where the mindset plays a significant role
i tested this out btw
When i go into a house / asylum for example and just dont take the game serious, doing my stuff fast with the knowledge of how a ghost works in this game, i dont get scared
But when i go into a house, putting my knowledge aside, checking every room clearly…trying to act, like this would be real, i scare my ass off
The game itself gives you the right atmosphere and you decide what u gonna do with it 🙂
still nice run
When im in there with my 3 friends and the light changes all of us are like "AHHHHHHHHH HELP!!!!111!!!"
And hes like "…"
Your chill
I’ll lose my sanity irl if I keep trying to play solo
Tf2 Phasmophobia Scream Demoman And Soldiers And Scout Dead
at 10 30 that was you closing the journal,