Phasmophobia – STUPID PRISON!!!
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Phasmophobia – STUPID PRISON!!!
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Congrats on not being put together today, Skizz!
It is always such a wonderful feeling to be snuggled into a blanket nest when a new skizz VOD hits my awareness.
I listened to that intro about 5 times. Not cringe at all. I really loved it. I hope the copyright thing is resolved.
Woo another phasmo stream!
Thanks for uploading these so quickly, it was my turn to not get the notification from twitch.
I love that Gem isn't just hanging out in the van chirping while the game goes on. She's actually pretty proactive about everything going on.
Skizz well played want to point out one thing ghost cannot detect you or your equipment till 15-10 m as shown on tier 3 parabolic so you can go towards it without hiding everytime you see a ghost reading
omg I need the part where skizz is dead in the truck and Gem asks 'do you know what it is?" like asking a puppy, it's so cute that
Big skizz is more skizz. And more skizz is always great.
TURN OFF YOUR LIGHT!!! The places are big enough that they just won't find you!!!!!
yes skizz, do the apocalypse challenge. I want to as well, we can get it!
I loved the intro as it was very creative!
13:12 game 1
18:24 game 2
26:38 game 3
38:45 game 4
1:04:49 game 5
1:11:31 game 6 (big)
1:46:10 game 7
1:50:16 game 8
2:15:53 game 9
2:22:45 game 10
2:26:44 game 11
2:31:48 game 12
2:36:50 game 13
I had a baby and fell behind on streams awhile ago. Can someone tell me why he doesn't do the birthday you yo anymore?