Twitch Stream from 22nd January 2021
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Had to re-upload this one and delete the other one, audio de-sync issue should now be fixed! 🙂
Sparky, you LEGEND!
Thanks for the upload. Lets see how fucking annoying bruce gets in this video 🤦🏾♂️😅
Sparky is the true lockdown legend
My body is ready for this movie
you saved my sunday!!!!!!
Bruce is such a troll.
Is APL okay? I'm legit worried.
You and Sark are in near sync today.
He posted the Bruce/Helen Johnson episode earlier.
Does sark stream on twitxh?
Bruce your fucking annoying bro, I like how sark thinks he knows how it works.. he does you idiot. Maybe if you'd shut up long enough and quit annoying all your friends you would learn how it works too.. Bruce is super annoying
Sark did see an orb right when he first switches to that outside camera it goes from left to right and slightly up by that tree and disappeared quickly.. but slow mo it and you'll see it
wanna witness streammadness 54:35 the squad raids diction… loved the next ten minutes xD best part of the stream. thank u again dear sparky <3<3<3<3
Definitely was a Ghost Orb at 1:16:48
Gonna get on to some Devour? Oh man, never forget your KOKOil.
Did Sark and his pals not know light switches also leave fingerprints? Ghost flickered the lights a bunch in that first game and Sark kept insisting the only place to see prints was that sliding door, even tho there was the utility door, basement door and two sets of light switches there.